Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Toss Me That Pie Plate...!

So many favorite toys and playthings were discovered by accident. It's hard to believe that many of them came from simple everyday things, but believe it or not...they did! Here from Listverse is an example.

Frisbees were created by greed

Frisbee toys are a staple feature of all family outings: at every picnic someone brings one along, and kids can spend hours throwing it back and forth. The simplicity of playing Frisbee is what makes it so easy to enjoy for kids – but the equally simple origins of the Frisbee might surprise you.

From 1871-1958, The Frisbee Baking Company provided American colleges with pies that came in pie tins, and it wasn’t long before students realized what fun could be had by tossing these tins around. In 1948, a building inspector created the first plastic Frisbee which we now use today, based off this simple pie tin design. This is the ultimate example of capitalizing off other people: the name, design and purpose was already there, and all this guy did was build it from plastic and tell people it was a toy.

Back when I was a kid, we used the lid from a coffee can (the metal ones) the same way. Only trouble was, the lids had sharp edges, so cut fingers were fairly common back then. Guess that's why the lids today are plastic!

Coffee outside on the patio this morning.


  1. To bring is full circle, a lot of people on sailboats use frisbees as plates. The high lip helps keep the food from flying out when the sailboat leans.

  2. Very interesting. My hubby found a Frisbee that lit up and played music. Tossed it around at night down at my son's house. The guys had a blast.

  3. Hey Sixbears...
    Now that is a clever idea! I would never have thought of it!
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Linda...
    Sounds like a fun way to spend the evening. Clever take on the Frisbee, I'd say!
    Thanks for coming over this morning!

  4. Playing frisbee with a coffee can lid? I'll bet you had rock wars too.... Yet you lived thru it!

  5. Those old coffee can lids removed with a can opener were like saw blades. It is a wonder someone didn't lose a hand or get their throat cut!!!

  6. I was going to say the same thing as Dizzy haha. But they aren't just for kids, adults love them and so do dogs. Fun post this morning my friend.

  7. Hey Rob...
    As a matter of fact, we did have some rock wars. My favorite toy for the longest time was a stick I used as a gun or spear. Certainly wouldn't be allowed to do that today!
    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Dizzy...
    The tricky part was catching the lid. Like I said, cut fingers were common place.
    Thanks for stopping by this morning!

  8. Hey Jo...
    Do you remember the older cans that came with a key attached to open them with? I think even Spam had one.
    Thanks, dear, for dropping in today!

  9. The coffee lids sound dangerous. I've seen plastic ones used to serve snacks at kids parties and used as a take home party favor:))

  10. Hey Mamahen...
    I'll admit it wasn't the safest toy we had, but it sure was fun!
    Thanks so much for coming over today!
