Tuesday, April 2, 2019

A Scary Health Fact For Ya...!

I've been thinking about this issue for quite a while now, and the more I study it, the more disturbing it seems.

Medical error is estimated to be the 3rd biggest killer in the US. Researchers at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine concluded that over a quarter of a million people died in 2013 due to mistakes made by health care professionals. That number, which was based only on people who died inside a hospital, is more than double the number of suicides, firearm deaths, and motor vehicle fatalities combined.

If you want to read more about these findings, check out this link.

Coffee out on the patio again today!


  1. For some reason that really doesn't surprise me. Doctors today really don't seem to take the time to really find out what is wrong. They are just happier putting a person on meds (and the more the merrier, who cares about interaction) and sending you home. I really have no use for doctors today. Just my opinion.

  2. It's one reason why I try to avoid doctors. You have to take charge of your own health because you can't trust the doctors to get it right. Of course, we can't become doctors, but we can learn enough to figure out who knows what they are talking about and who doesn't.

    Hopefully, this will be one of the last mornings with temperatures in the teens. The coffee can't warm up fast enough.

  3. It's bad enough that they don't want to take the time to really figure out what's wrong. Now it's being seen that surgical students can't manipulate a scalpel because they don't know how to write (hold pen or pencil) because they text so much.

  4. Scary but not really a surprise to me. I watched the nurse try to give my mom more bp meds when her bp had dropped to 60/30 not 2 hrs before and in the same hospital a Dr order her a med that she was wearing a bracelet stating she was allergic to it. That was over 20 yrs ago and it only gets worse.

  5. Hey Linda...
    Over prescribing does seem to be a problem now days, without a doubt.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Sixbears...
    Taking charge of your own medical decisions is something I totally agree with. Good call!
    Thanks for coming over this morning!

    Hey Momlady...
    Now that's really sad. I didn't know that.
    Thanks for the visit this morning!

    Hey Mamahen...
    It's a shame that we have to watch therm so close, but can't really afford not to.
    Thanks for coming over today!

  6. That's in the hospital deaths. A lot of people go in the hospital every year, so the odds of you being killed by "them" screwing up have to be low.

    On the other hand the US medical industry uses almost 18% of our GDP, that's a lot of money... one might expect better. Of course one might hope for pigs to fly!

  7. My wife has been going to an acupuncture doctor and she feels a whole lot better, in fact, I heard her say she feels great since having those treatments. Me? I don't like needles and pins, enough said.

  8. Another good reason to avoid doctors and hospitals.
