Monday, April 1, 2019

What The Heck Is This...?

So often items are found in places that certainly they don't belong in. Such is the case of this piece from Russia found in a piece of coal.

The Russian UFO Tooth Wheel

A Russian man found a strange piece of machinery from Vladivostok, the administrative capital of the Primorsky Krai area. The object resembled a piece of tooth wheel and was embedded in a piece of coal he was using to light a fire. Although discarded pieces of old machines are not uncommon in Russia, the man became curious and showed his find to some scientists. Testing revealed that the toothed object was almost pure aluminum and almost certainly artificially made.

Also, it was 300 million years old. This raised some interesting questions, as aluminum of this purity and shape can’t form naturally and humans didn’t figure out how to make it until 1825. Curiously, the object also resembles parts that are used in microscopes and other delicate technical devices.

Although conspiracy theorists have been quick to declare the find a part of an alien spaceship, the scientists researching it are not willing to jump to conclusions and wish to run further tests in order to learn more about the mysterious artifact.

I'd like to know just what the thing is myself. Just curious, ya know?

Coffee out on the patio in the sun this morning. It's cool, but we can handle cool...right? BTW...APRIL FOOL'S DAY !!


  1. Wow...that's very mysterious...29° here as I write this. I'm sure your patio is warmer. I have some apple crisp I'll share:))

  2. Someone somewhere found an iron hammer embedded in a rock, too, but I forget the details.

  3. It's not an alien piece of machinery, it is part of a microscope, though. It was left there by a time traveler from our distant future. As was the hammer that Gorges Smythe mentioned. It appears that even our distant progeny still haven't learned not to litter.........

  4. That sure is mysterious. Wonder how it got there. Since your patio is warmer than mine I am on my way. Thanks for the apple crisp Mamhen.

  5. A couple of weeks back I read that in a lab some where they made time go backwards. It was done in the quantum world but it was done...

  6. It's aliens, I tell ya, aliens. 30 degrees here this morning and only going up to the 50's. Yesterday it was in the low 70's. Pneumonia weather!

  7. Hey Mamahen...
    Apple crisp sounds great!
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Gorges...
    Yeah, I remember reading about that. I'll see if I can find the story again!
    Thanks for coming over this morning!

    Hey Taminator...
    Guess that littering has been and always will be a big problem, even in the future.
    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Linda...
    How it got there seems to be the big question, for sure.
    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Rob...
    I wonder how far back they made it go. Scary stuff, that!
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Momlady...
    Sure has been running back and forth a lot, even here.
    Thanks for the visit today!

  8. Yet another crazy find.

    Patio is fine with me It isn't to bad here in the morning but it sure is getting hot in the afternoon.

  9. Hey Jo...
    I know what you mean about cool mornings and really warm afternoons. Seems to happen here a lot this time of year.
    Thanks for dropping by today, dear!

  10. 300 million years old?? Wow!! Of course that far back in time we have very little information of just what was going on. The Earth is supposed to be 4.54 billion years old, so it is a lot younger than the Earth.
