Friday, May 17, 2019

Bamboo Holds A Record...!

Did you know that a certain kind of Bamboo plant grows faster than anything else you can name? True...! This plant is so versatile because it has so many uses, and sadly we are not making use of many of them. From Listverse, here is a quick rundown of how fast it can grow.

Bamboo Holds A Guinness World Record

Photo credit: Wikimedia

A certain type of bamboo actually holds the world record as the fastest growing plant ever. This bamboo was able to grow as fast as 35 inches in a single day! This translates into nearly 1.5 inches per hour. You could literally sit there and see the bamboo growing before your eyes. If that is put into speed, it comes out at 0.00002 miles per hour.

Bamboo is also able to grow very tall, with the tallest ever recorded in the United States of America at 65-98 feet and 130 feet in Europe. Due to how fast bamboo grows, it is considered one of the most renewable plants on earth. As soon as the bamboo is harvested, it just starts growing again, making it an ideal material for all sorts of uses.

I think you'll agree that this is some pretty amazing stuff. I think I'll plant some in my backyard.

Coffee out on the patio today.


  1. Once planted, bamboo is well-nigh impossible to eradicate. I'm not kidding. My folks tried for years to get rid of it. It was coming from a stand planted some years ago. 3 blocks away. Not kidding.

  2. Hey JC...
    Thanks for the warning. I may have to rethink this.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

  3. I just saw a post on FB locally yesterday of someone who was looking for help in removing some bamboo from their yard. I guess I wasn't aware that it could even grow in out area. Interesting.

  4. Yep, had the same problem for years, but eventual success.
    But I think the clover in my yard would give the bamboo some growing competition - comes back with its' buddy weeds just overnight!

    Big hugs ~

  5. I'd reconsider planting it. Once planted it grows quickly, takes over the area and the roots go WAY down.

  6. I'll bet the "creeping charlie" weed growing in my yard would give bamboo a run for it's money. No matter how much wee killer I put on it , the stuff doesn't die and spreads like crazy. Very interesting article Mr. Hermit; I learned something new today.

  7. They claim it can be controlled, I'd heard this before other places too.

    I've seen it make a great privacy hedge, a really tall one but I couldn't see thru it.

  8. My friend had bamboo in her yard it took years to get rid of it. Had to dig really deep then put root rot down in the hole. cost her plenty.

    Another nice morning for the patio.

  9. Hey Mamahen...
    I didn't realize it was that big a problem. I appreciate the info.
    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Sis...
    Wonder why the clover is so fast to come back? Maybe you should get a goat.
    Thanks for the visit this morning!

    Hey Momlady...
    That's very good to know. Maybe I should reconsider.
    Thanks for the info and for coming over today!

    Hey Linda...
    Sounds like the "creeping charlie" is determined.
    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Rob...
    Now there is something I never thought about. Might need a good hedge someday.
    Thanks for the visit this morning!

  10. Hey Jo...
    Guess it's good I found all this out before I planted some then.
    Thanks, dear, for dropping by today!

  11. Gee, I guess bamboo could be considered a bad weed. Seems to me that there used to be some growing on my place years ago but it disappeared. May be an unusually cold winter froze it out.
