Saturday, May 18, 2019

Your Tax Dollars At Work...!

There is just no doubt among any of us that the PTB waste millions and millions of OUR money foolishly, but some of these outlandish studies are a bit much. When you read this one from Listverse, I think you'll agree.

How Do Shrimps Fare Walking On A Treadmill?

What do you think when you look at shrimp?

For the foodies, it may be all about their texture and what they could be paired with. For the casual observer, they may look like just another one of the countless marine species that have no significant impact on our lives. For the scientists who carried out this study, though, the first question that came to their minds was: “So what if we put them on a treadmill?”

Under the guise of studying the effects of stress on marine life when they were only trying to decisively answer a ridiculous question by one of their kids, a couple of scientists injected some shrimp with bacterial infections and put them on a tiny underwater treadmill to see what would happen.

In a result that would not surprise—or even interest—anyone anywhere whatsoever, they concluded that uninfected shrimp performed better than their infected counterparts. The best (or worst) part? The study got $682,570 of taxpayer funding from the National Science Foundation.

I mean, I know these guys need to study marine creatures for all sorts of reasons, but this is going a tad too far! Just my opinion...

Coffee out on the patio this morning.


  1. How about the study to find out how much booze it took to get halibut drunk? Yup and it cost $$$ of our money.

  2. OK, Hermit Jim, now you went and got me stressed. . . (grin)

  3. Hey Momlady...
    Hadn't heard of that one, but somehow it doesn't surprise me.
    Thanks for stopping by this morning!

    Hey Dizzy...
    Does that mean you are joining the shrimp on the treadmill? Sorry about the stress!
    Thanks for coming by this morning!

  4. $682+k? THAT is serious money! It's amazing what science will do for grant money...

  5. Hey Rob...
    Pretty jaw dropping, isn't it?
    Thanks for coming by today!

  6. Why does this not shock me at all. Some how some way this throwing money away needs to stop.

    I need more coffee now for sure

  7. Hey Jo...
    Since it's not their money, I reckon it will never stop. Easy to spend someone else's money.
    Thanks for dropping by today!

  8. WOW! That's all I can say about that! Have a good weekend my friend:))

  9. I'm going sleep better at night knowing that. Good job scientists! :)
