Friday, April 18, 2008

The Hermit Is Back On The Air...!

Sorry That I was out of sorts yesterday...but I'll try and get back to my Normal (?) ways now. I have NO idea what yesterday was about, but I have a feeling that I was merely getting what I was asking for. I have to remember to stay more positive....cause likes attract! Think negative...get negative back! Think positive...get positive back! Certainly this is an over simplified way of stating it, but I don't want to get too serious this morning. Instead, I'm gonna give you another little sample from the Hermit's Book of Farm Critters...about a very familiar country critter!

The Chicken

You ever watch a chicken?
It's really hard to do!
All the time you're watching them
They're also watching you.

You ever feed a chicken?
Boy, it's really fun!
Doesn't matter what it is
Just throw it down and run!

You looked close at a chicken?
You know, they have no ear
But start to talk of eating one
And watch them disappear!

You ever counted chickens?
I tried with no success.
They move too much, they won't be still
I finally had to guess!

You ever talk to chickens?
Man, don't even bother!
They will never answer back
Not even if you holler!

You ever cross a chicken?
You make one mad, you'll see
They'll gang up and fertilize
Right where you need to be!

You ever train a chicken?
I think that they're inept!
The only thing that mine have learned
Is where their Feed is kept.

You smarter than a chicken?
You're not, I'll bet a dime!
I'll bet that you can't lay an egg.
A hen can, all the time!

You gotta love the chicken
And all the things they do
Roosters crow and call the Sun!
I can't, friend, can you?

You want to buy a chicken?
I'll give you some for free!
I got a feeling here of late
They're staring more at me!

You want to watch a chicken?
It isn't hard to do
As long as you don't mind too much
That they are watching you!

Jim King ,1995


  1. Hey Jim!
    Welcome Back :))

    Checked here first this morning ... glad I did! I feel better already!

    Love the Chicken Poem and the cute pic. Have a great Friday!!!


  2. Hey, Blondie! Thanks for the visit...I'm glad you enjoyed the post this morning. I'm glad to be back in the swing myself...had a BIG storm roll thru here this morning early...maybe that's what I was feeling yesterday. Anyway, I'm over at TE getting my morning dose of clocks and credits...see ya later!

