Thursday, April 17, 2008

Spring Fever Got Me Good...!

At least I hope that's all it is. I'm feeling a little out of sorts today, so I'll start off slow. Maybe I'll come back later to dazzle you with some brilliant insight...or share with you the World's Greatest Money Maker...or keep you entertained with some first class humor! But for now, I think I'll merely tell you about an idea I've had.

I think we should start a cookbook from recipes sent to me from all of our friends and readers! If we can get enough recipes, I'll host a site and publish them for all the World to see (and for us to sample, of course). Might be a fun project and give us a little something new to occupy our time when we should be working.

So think about it...and drop me a note or comment. Better yet, just email me a sample of the finished product and I will try it, OK?

Gone for now...but I'll be back later more than likely.


  1. Hey, I tried to comment earlier but got an error msg and was on my way out the door, so no time to re-post.

    I have those 'out of sorts' days every other day. Haven't you noticed that yet? lol

    The recipe thing sounds like fun. Since I'm not a very good cook (and lazy) I'll be doing more reading than contributing :)

    Oh and there IS a difference in the site that comes up from this MAIN link as opposed to the Link that was created for me in FireFox. Go see mine and you'll see what I mean.

    Still no bells, whistles or flashing lights though. Was hoping for more.

    Later :))

  2. hey, Blondie...thanks for the comments and the visit. I don't know what is going on...was a little like this yesterday and then today...BLAH!

    Must be an age thing...anyway, things are gonna get better! See ya..


  3. They always do Jim ...
    Get better that is :)
    Cya Soon !
    ps, js misses you in TE, har!

  4. Hey, thanks for checking up on me...and it's always nice to be missed.

    Luckily you're right about things always gettin' better! Thank goodness for that...

