Monday, June 9, 2008

Sorry, But I Just Don't Get It...!

I've come to the conclusion that there are some things that I just don't get. Now I know that I'm not the brightest bulb in the pack, but I just don't seem to catch on to some things. Maybe it's just me.

For instance, how come there are so many “secret” formulas for success on the web? And if they are truly “secret”, then why are there so many people willing to sell them? How did all these people learn these “secrets” and if that many people know about them, then how can they be called “secret” to begin with?

I just don't get how many “millionaires” there are on the Internet that want to give back...they do this by selling the manner in which they became “millionaires” to begin with. I always thought that giving back meant just! If you are selling something, then you are NOT giving. You are selling! I guess that's how they became so giving things away if the price was right! I'm sorry, but if I was making $350 million a year I don't think I would have the need to sell anything. The same would apply if I was making $4000 a week! Like I said, maybe that's just me.

Now we come to the “Free” programs. “Free” to sign up for doesn't necessarily mean “free” as you and I understand it. Most of these programs stop being “Free” the minute that you sign up. In order to get started, you need to start spending money. The next step, then the next, and the next all seem to cost money. So much for the concept of “Free”!

Besides the Internet, there are many, many things in the “Real” world I just don't get as well. Cell phones used at home by people that already have a real phone sitting there. Bottled water used by people that have perfectly good tap water available in the kitchen. People that pay $30,000 or $40,000 for a car that they are going to drive back and forth to the store. Married people that feel the need to have an affair. I thought that if you were married, that meant one person at a time.

I don't get why people take medicine that has side effects that are 10 times worse than what they are taking the medicine for. I don't understand the reasoning that says the schools can't punish children for misbehaving without being sued by the parents, and parents that can't punish their children at home because most punishment is considered “child abuse”. I can't understand the people that insist on owning a 150 pound dog bred to fight and kill, when they live in the city and in a neighborhood filled with children.

I don't get the reasons why we spend billions on a undeclared war or two, when some of our older Americans at home are forced to choose between health care and food each month. I don't get why the quality of our goods keep going down, while the price and taxes on these goods keep going up. I will never get the reason why our Veterans are being denied complete and proper care by the very community that they sacrifice and suffer to protect just because it's their duty.

I don't get what happened to the old values like courtesy, kindness, manners, and respect. I don't understand why our heroes today include so many that are accused of and excused for breaking the rules. I absolutely do not get why there are so many questions asked by so many, and so few answers forthcoming .

I do, however, get the fact that I need another cup of coffee....and I DO get the fact that I am lucky to have friends that I can still share coffee and a few thoughts with this morning.


  1. Morning Sis! Sorry if I came across a little strong...started out to be just a short page on Internet marketing, but I got carried away!

    Must be my age showing, huh?

  2. Amen from me too!
    So many things we don't understand. So many things that seem just plain stupid to me.
    And of course, I had to see on the news today that Mrs Bush is giving another country 80 million dollars.
    What about OUR country???
    Where are we headed?!?

    OK, nuf from me.
    More coffee please and good morning Jim :)

  3. Hey Blondie...thanks for dropping by to share a cup. I wish I knew the answers to the questions that we all have and I wish that the politicians at least could understand the questions. But who am I to rock the boat...only a tax payer and voter...and we all know how much that's worth now days, right?


  4. Jim?? Excellent post! Very well put and worded.

    Burt between you and I? Of course you know the answers to these questions. But an article that explains why these things happen would not be as good as the one you wrote.

    Thanks much!


  5. Hey John...thanks for stopping by and for the support. I sometimes wish I had a better grasp of how to project what I am thinking onto what I am writing...but until I do, I'll just plug along and do the best I can.

    After all, that's all any of us can do, right?

  6. Right on Jim, and you are doing a good job despite you denying it.

    Keep at it!


  7. Hi Jim,

    great post. I have thought about these sort of things many times...
    We know the answers, but they just don't seem to make sense.
    It could all be so simple...;o) and maybe one day it will.


    Have a nice day.

  8. Hey Manu...thanks for the comments. It's always a pleasure to have you drop by. I hope that someday the need for us to ask these questions won't exist, but then there will be new ones to ponder. Oh well, That's life I guess!


  9. Yeah, that's life i guess. We pretend to ask those qus=estions, knowing what;s actyally going on. Dang. But I guess that in this day and age to ask questions is jore effective than to state answers. Am sure you see this. Right? Right on. js

  10. Hey Jim,
    This is danish. Read your blog every day, as I do the one from js and blondie. Your scary man! You're an American and I'm a Canadian, but we don't think all that just happen to be able to put into words my thoughts and feelings.
    Every paragraph in today's blog makes me want to add my YAH! or ME TOO! to your comments; except for one.
    The only exception to your comments that I have, concerns "perfectly good tap water available in the kitchen". I'll take issue with you on that a big way. Be it USA or Canada, most municipal water is unhealthy to drink...inspite of and because of the chemicals added to it to make it "safe". They don't make it safe, they contaminate with poisons that accumulate in the body's systems (especially children's) and cause it to be acidic, damaging to our overall health), when we actually need alkaline.
    OK, lots more to it than that, but I'll leave it at that for now.
    Your blog still rates 99.6 out of 100 from me.
    Best Regards

  11. Hey Danish...thanks for the visit! I agree about the water to some extent but I think we have fallen victim ti mass advertising when it comes to most bottled water. When the bottle says "fortified" I have to wonder what with, ya know?

    Soon I hope to have my own water supply when I move to the country! Got to hope for the best!


  12. Jims American, Danish is Canadian and Im an Aussie... looks like no matter where we are from or our differences a lot of us are the same inside. Im wholly with you Jim on wondering where some of the old values have gone, so many people get so busy fulfilling their own imagination of self importance they forgets the simple things that are most important.

  13. Hey Missi...thanks for stopping by. I don't think that land borders have anything to do with what good old fashioned caring people feel in their hearts. That's one of the greatest things about the Internet...that we can meet people with like minds and share with them the thoughts that we feel in our hearts.

    Sure makes for some good friends.

  14. I am canadian also.
    Maybe we are just older - nothing against young peole,for sure - but our parents used to talk about the good old days - and we maybe thought they were off their rocker. Now it is our turn. And we should be proud of our good old values.
    Nice reading and comments today, friends.

    PS - what I do with my water - is put it in the fridge to let the chemicals (chlorine) leave it. Even my cat prefers it this way !!
    And he is super smart.

  15. Hey Myrna...I enjoy drinking COLD water. I like the feel of it going all the way down. It seems to me that a sip or two of cold water at night before bedtime just helps me fall asleep faster, but maybe that's just me.


  16. Jim,

    I loved the post. When one of my students asks, "why do we study history?" I always say we study it in order to learn and not repeat the mistakes made...

    So why is we keep repeating those mistakes?

    Love your post. Back for some more coffee later.


  17. Hey Will...thanks for stopping by. History is a great tool for learning about our pasy mistakes and fueling the discussions of our future's ready anytime


  18. I don't get it either Jim but somehow the fact that you don't get it makes me feel a little bit better. I am not alone in not getting it.

  19. Hey Randall...maybe our lot in life is to not get it...makes us study harder to try and make sense of it all. Sometimes I am glad to be in the dark than to think I understand the way that the powers that be want me to!

    I don't like someone telling me I have to accept things just because they say so...but that's just me.

    Thanks for dropping by and for the comments.
