Thursday, August 7, 2008

Chamomile, The Children's Oil...

Since we talked about Peppermint yesterday, I thought that today we would continue the discussion with the aromatic oil Chamomile.

There are several varieties of Chamomile that are used in aromatherapy, but the two most commonly used are Roman Chamomile (Anthemis Nobilis) and German Chamomile (Matricaria Chamomilia). You can also use Chamomile Maroc (Anthemis Mixta) but it is not as versatile.

Some of the properties and uses of Chamomile often overlap with those of Lavender and if you are undecided as to which one to use, its useful to remember that Chamomile is generally better for dull aches and pains, whereas Lavender is better for sharp and piercing pains.


Chamomile is one of the gentlest oils and is therefore ideal for treating children. It is, in fact, actually known as “the children’s oil”.

2 to 4 drops of pre diluted Chamomile in a warm bath before bedtime can help childred to relax and promote gentle, natural sleep. It can also help with teething, rashes, tummy upsets and so on. Just remember NOT to use it undiluted. The diluted oil can be used safely in baths and massage without any worries.


Chamomile is also an outstanding disinfectant, especially of the urinary tract. If you suffer from cystitis, drink lots of chamomile tea and massage over the lower abdomen. Add a few drops of oil to a warm bath. Also, drinking chamomile tea every day is a good preventative measure against bladder or kidney stones.

Inflammatory Conditions

All the Chamomiles are soothing, calming and anti inflammatory; in particular, German Chamomile (this is because it contains a high proportion of Chamazulene) This means they are ideal for inflammatory conditions, both external or internal.

You can use a hot Chamomile compress on boils, infected cuts, splinters and the like. For internal conditions such as colitis or diarrhoea you can massage or use a hot compress over the affected area for relief from discomfort with no adverse side effects.

Muscular pain, Inflamed joints...

Chamomile is very effective in treating conditions where the joints are inflamed such as arthritis or bursitis. Massaging these areas might be painful so you could use a cold compress instead. Chamomile also helps to reduce dull muscular aches and pains.

Skin Care...

Many skin problems can be helped by using Chamomile. It is especially effective against skin conditions related to allergies and those that tend to flare up when a person is under stress, such as eczema and dermatitis. Because Chamomile is very calming on the mental and emotional level it can help to reduce the physical and mental symptoms of this type of condition.

Aromatip from Holistic Therapies Spain. It is important to remember though, that there may be a “healing crisis” in which the skin appears to get worse before it gets better.

Now let's go have a calm, soothing cup of coffee...


  1. I am going to get me some form of chamomile to rub on my hands. As usual, I am going to pass this info on to Leah for the girls. As ever, thanks, Bubba!
    Big Sis

  2. Hey Sis...I think the very pleasant visits with the babies will be even more pleasant with the user of this wonderful oil. If anything can improve Grandma's visit's, then this just might be it.

    Of course, later on as they get older...some homemade cookies will work also!

    See ya

  3. I love coffee, Jim. But I'd have to say I love a good cup of tea just as much. The herbal teas are really soothing.
    I think a friendly education in herbs is just what the doctor (lol) ordered!


  4. Hey Cat...glad you came by. A lot of people I know would rather have tea other than coffee, but I only like my tea cold not hot.Iced tea we call it...but I'm sure you know that.

    Morning beverage of choice for me is coffee, maybe some cold orange juice on the side.

    Thanks again for stopping by, Cat!
