Friday, August 8, 2008

Rest Well With Lavender...

I want to continue to discuss the many healthful uses of aromatic oils as we have for the last couple of days. The proper use of many of these oils can be of benefit for a lot of us.

If any of my friends were to ask me which one essential oil I would not be without I always reply without hesitation “Lavender”. Why? Simply because it is the most versatile of all the essential oils and very safe to use.

It has a wide range of properties - it is an antibiotic, anti depressant, anti septic, bactericidal, insect repellent, sedative and an immune booster to name but a few! For me this essential oil is best summed up though as being calming, soothing and above all BALANCING….

Lavender is a native of the Mediterranean and there are several varieties in cultivation. However, the most important variety in terms of aromatherapy is the “common” or “true” Lavender... known as Lavandula Angustifolia, Lavendula Officinalis or Lavandula Vera.

Lavender is beneficial for so many different conditions. Here is just a small selection.


It was Rene Maurice Gattefosse’s observation of the dramatic healing effect of Lavender oil when he burnt his hand in a laboratory accident that led him to research essential oils in greater depth and coin the word “Aromatherapie”.

A French army surgeon called Dr Jean Valnet used Lavender oil to treat serious burns and injuries during the War. It is the antiseptic and painkilling properties that make Lavender an ideal choice for burns. It also promotes rapid healing and helps to prevent scarring.

Colds, coughs, Flu...

Lavender is a valuable treatment for colds, coughs, and flu with steam inhalation being the most effective treatment for these conditions. It will soothe, decongest and attack the bacteria which cause secondary infections like sinusitis. A little Lavender oil massaged on the throat helps to relieve a tickly cough. Massage one or two drops along the bony ridges of the eyebrows and on either side of the nostrils to help catarrh.


Massaged into the temples, Lavender will help to relieve many forms of headaches. You can also place a cold compress of Lavender on the forehead or back of the neck.


Everyone knows Lavender is the number one choice for insomnia regardless of the cause! Adding a few drops to the bath before you go to bed is probably the best way to get to sleep but you can put a few drops of oil on a handkerchief or on the pillow case to help you doze off with very little effort.

Muscular pain...

One of the most important uses for Lavender is for the relief of muscular pain, whatever the cause. Use it with a carrier oil to massage the affected area or add some drops to your bath. The pain of arthritis and rheumatism is greatly reduced, as the oil will lower the reaction of the central nervous system to pain, reducing inflammation and generally calming the system.

Skin Care...

The soothing, antiseptic and anti inflammatory properties of Lavender make it unbeatable for many skin conditions such as acne, eczema, and dermatitis. If you prefer not to use oil, you can add it to unperfumed creams or lotions .

What do you do if you can’t stand the smell of Lavender? It is important to remember that when using essential oils they will not be as effective if you don’t like the smell. The easy solution is to blend the Lavender with another oil which is more pleasing to your nose!

Lavender blends well with citrus oils (like Lemon or Orange), Patchouli, Geranium and Pine. It is also worth mentioning that when using Lavender with other oils, it enhances the effects of the other oils!

AROMATIP from Counselling in Spain. If the oil you buy does not have a Latin name on the label (usually underneath the common name) it may not be 100% essential oil. Another way to check if the oils are not just cosmetic, is the pricing. If you can buy Rose essential oil for the same price as Lavender it is NOT the real thing! Rose oil is extremely expensive, whereas Lavender is one of the cheapest you can buy.

Now...what do you say to some fresh coffee ?


  1. Jim,
    Such a wealth of information these last few days.

    I use Lavender Fabric Softener, does that count for anything? haha

    Thanks for the coffee,

  2. Hey Blondie...remember I told ya once I was just a vast warehouse of useless information? Although some of this info may be helpful to a lot of us.

    Hope it makes for an interesting read this morning...just something to go along with the coffee, ya know?

    See ya in a bit...

  3. Hey Jim, thanks for the very informative articles on Aromatherapy.

    Am going out to buy some Lavender Oil today, tout suite.


  4. Hey John...thanks for the visit and for the comments. They are greatly appreciated.

    See ya at TE later...

