Sunday, June 28, 2009

Back In The Saddle...!

Sorry about not being more in touch yesterday, but I felt I needed the time off.

It has been so hot here, that I think it is taking it's toll on me. Just to give you an idea of how's 1:00 a.m., the temperature is 80 degrees with 92% humidity. The wind is blowing at 3 miles an hour out of the SSW.

What does that mean? It means it's HOT! Folks, any time you have 92%'s pretty miserable, believe me!

I thought that we would keep it light it light today with one of my favorite singers of all time. The song ain't bad, either! Why don't you give a listen...OK?

See what I mean? I like old Don Williams, I really do! Oh, and while I'm thinking about it, if you haven't already been over to The Survivalist Blog and picked up a copy of The Free Survival Library put together by M.D. Creekmore...I invite you to go over and do so now. It could come in handy some day, ya know?

Now, my friend, let's get some fresh coffee and sit on the patio for a while...before it gets too hot. We can put on some more of Don's music!


  1. Good song cygnus! We get temps up to 120F and about half a dozen days of humidity in our summer, but nothing like that thank god!

  2. Hey Molly...
    I'll tell the nephew that you said so...I'll take the good words, even if my name isn't Cygnus!

    Summer is predicted to be extreme this year, so I am just getting ready!

    Thanks for stopping by, Molly!

  3. Morning HermitJim,
    Yep, it's summer all right. Hot & dry up here too. I completely understand having to take a bit of personal time. Keep your sanity, you'll need it a lot more than money.

  4. It is really really hot. I went to the grocery store yesterday afternoon and it was almost empty at a time it is usually very busy. That is, except for the population (criminal element) that hangs out in the parking lot just watching. There were still plenty of them. Heat doesn't keep them inside.

    Stay cool and enjoy your Sunday.

  5. In the good old summer time. It do slow you down a bit.

    Setting in the shade in the afternoon with a cold drink seems like a good idea to me, while listening to Don Williams aint all bad.Everybody needs s day off from time to time.

    Thant's a good idea-I'm taking tod ay off

  6. Good morning Mr. Hermit,
    Glad to see you this morning. Yes we all need to take some time off.I hope is was a good day for your. And yes that kind of humidity is sooo nasty. I remember it when I was back in NJ and it has been more than 30yrs. I poked my nose out when I filled my cup and it was 80 out there the humity has been up here to but not as bad as yours. Here in Sonora Desert we are spoiled with the dry heat, well I guess it isn't going to be so dry this summer if it is already raining it has been like this for the past 4 days.
    Lets enjoy the company around the patio for a little while before we need to run inside and not move to
    much maybe read a good book.

  7. This heat is really getting to everyone. And to think we have quite a few more months of it.

    Glad your "back in the saddle" today.
    And Back In the Saddle was a good song too. Remember it?

    Have a good day friend.

  8. Hey YOF...
    Getting to be drought conditions around your parts, isn't it? I hate to think what it's going to be come August!

    Hey, thanks for coming by today...

    Hey Kris...
    Makes you wonder when the first storm is coming! It feels more and more like pre-storm heat to me, but I hope I'm wrong...

    The criminal types seem to feed off the negative weather and coditions that are around. Like big bugs, but I hate to insult the bugs!

    I sure do appreciate the visit today...

    Hey Tony...
    I imagine it's been pretty humid in your neck of the woods as well! One of the joys of living in a coastal area!

    You take care, buddy, and thanks for coming by!

    Hey JoJo...
    I'm so glad you were able to get the cooler fixed before it started getting this hot.

    The weather is gonna be rough this year, I'm afraid. We already set new record highs 2 days ago with 104! They say it's the 7th hottest June on record so far.

    Hey, thanks for coming over, JoJo!

    Hey Rae...
    Yep, I remember Gene Autry singing that song a long time ago! Seems like most of what I remember is from a long time ago...

    Guess it beats the alternative, for sure! Hey, I appreciate the visit, Rae...I really do!

  9. Well rehi, Mister Hermit, sir!

    I adore Don Williams...and oh, I used to catch such a ration for listening to him when I was kid. Oh, well...someone had to be the weird one!

    92% humidity? Good could wring out the air like a sponge! I hope that changes, Mister Hermit...I hate to think you'll wind up growing mushrooms in your lungs!

    Thanks for starting the day with a song.

    Shade and Sweetwater,

  10. Hey K...
    One thing that always grows well here in the coastal south, is mildew! It will grow everywhere without a problem, and does after a good rainy spell or a storm.

    I see that we have a storm moving into the Gulf of Mexico soon...and that means I need to get going to the desert for my camping trip!

    A little music always seem to go good with coffee, don't you think?

    Thanks for the visit, Ms. K...

  11. I'm glad I got the a/c fixed too, those swamp coolers don't work very well in humity since they run on water. Talk about mold! And the house just starts to smell bad too.
    I remember you saying something about leaving on Sept. 1 is that still on?

  12. I love the Gentle Giant... and I'll remember to tell Molly thanks! lol!
    Music is always a good part of any day-- and a part of any good day...
    Thanks, Uncle!

  13. Hey Jim! That's why I moved outta south Ga up to the hills of NC ..we
    called it 'air you wear' down there. I don't miss it one little bit! Better put some ice in that coffee!

  14. Hey JoJo,,,
    Now you can curl up with a good book in front of the a/c...makes naps better, too!

    Hey Cyg...
    Music certainly can't hurt!

    Thanks for stopping in...

    Hey Carol...
    Ya know, I don't mind the heat, but I can do without the humidity!

    Being in the hills of NC does not sound bad at all to me! Plenty of shade and a nice breeze...

    Thanks for the visit today...

  15. I think the heat's making me tired as well. Down here in south Texas, it's been over a hundred for the heat index for I don't know how long. It's quite miserable if you have to step outside.

  16. Hey WQM...
    From what I understand, it's been over 100 degrees here in Houston for 5 days in a row! The part that kills me is yesterday it was 92 % humidity...OUCH!

    Hey, thanks for coming by...

  17. Hey, Don Williams is one of my favorites too! Thanks :)

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