Monday, June 29, 2009

Don't Think So Much...!

That's what I just started telling myself today!

I have been working toward getting everything I thought I needed together now, planning and stocking and organizing...trying to think about what I am forgetting about, or don't have enough of, or waiting to get.

Then, like the Eureka moments we all have, I realized that I have been looking at it in completely the wrong way. After all, prepping is all about a lifestyle, not something you can do all at once. I knew that!

I don't know why I was letting myself get to the point that I was worrying about the things I couldn't change.

The way I see it, it isn't about how fast we get things done or gathered...but rather how we learn to recognize the things we need to improve on or become better organized with.

That's the main reason that I want to make a couple of test runs, to get a better feel for the things that I need to concentrate on.

I think I would be better off to take off a little slower, get there a little later, and arrive a little more prepared than to go off half cocked and arrive at my destination faster, only to find that I don't have everything I need or don't have a workable plan.

So, instead of rushing around worrying about what I need to get done, I'm going to take stock of what I need and then proceed with caution at a slightly more sane and better thought out pace. I'll still get to where I'm going, but I'll be in better shape when I get there. At least That's what I'm thinking now...

After all, it's not the destination that is the most important thing, but the strength we gather on the journey that counts, right?

Now, my friend, let's get some fresh coffee and sit on the patio for a bit. It's supposed to rain later, and if we try maybe we can sniff the air and smell it coming!


  1. Yup thats a good plan. Its like when you start out for the first time in the camper. You take what you think and get where you are going and then start making a list for the next time. Thats why we do maiden voyages. I have a container sitting here in the kitchen from before I went to stay with dad. But I have taken some stuff out and put some back and it comes and goes. But it is still in the house so by time I leave I still have the option to put it back or so on and so on.:)
    Take it slow but do take the maiden voyages and you can make a list of what you think is important for the next time. See how easy it is.
    Well it sounds easy anyway.

  2. Hey JoJo...
    It does all make sense to look at it that way, doesn't it?

    I want to get out of Dodge, but in a smart way...not just faster!

    Hey, thanks for coming by this morning, darlin'

  3. My wife always says "slow and steady wins the race"

    It's good to slow down and take stock on where you are at, it gives you a chance to see things that you may have missed.

  4. Hey Off Grid...
    See, I already knew that but I was getting all caught up in the excitement of getting moved and out of Houston.

    Now that I have seen the light, I can still slow down enough to not make some stupid mistakes that could cost me later!

    Urgency isn't a bad thing, but shouldn't be the driving force on any adventure!

    Thanks for the visit!

  5. Good morning, Mister Hermit, sir!

    I like thoughtful action, myself - do my best to think things through without letting that thinking keep me from moving, from doing, from being.

    When it comes to journeying, I also like the idea of a test run, a sort of Hudson's Bay start (wherein one only goes a little way from home to begin with, so that if one discovers aught missing, one may fetch it without losing too much time or distance).

    What I DON'T enjoy is feeling rushed when I pack - I'm always certain I'll forget something, even when I make pack-lists (and for almost every trip I make, there's a list!).

    Whenever you get there, I hope you find you've everything you need and that you want for nothing.

    Shade and Sweetwater,

  6. I've often thought that on my life timeline it's the lines that connect the dots that are the important bits--that's where life was happening.

    Sitting on the porch enjoying a summer rain and a fresh cup of coffee...sounds perfect to me!

  7. Hey K...
    Sometimes I feel that the only pressure on me is the pressure I put on myself. Most of what I have been experiencing lately is just self induced scedules, and I don't seem to function well with following schedules!

    Hey, thanks for coming by today...

    Hey Dori...
    You're right! The lines that connect the dots are the focal points, just as the information that we should get from reading between the lines!

    I appreciate your visit and comments today!

  8. Yes, "...the strength we gather on the journey that counts...", I completely agree. Small-scale or in the big picture, it does make all the difference in the end :)

  9. Hey Sarah...
    I appreciate your dropping by today! I'm glad that you can see what I mean...

    Thanks you for taking the time to comment this morning. Your input is always valued!

  10. Morning Jim;

    Got my first cup of coffee, and of course a cig to go with it, and settled down in front of the computer to read my favorite blogs.

    My camper van is outfitted as my second house. So what ever I need to feel comfortable in the house is in the van as well.

    I plan to put a storage shed in the woods for items that are not not used while in the van:garden tools,possible small machine tools(small lathe,small mill, etc)What ever I think will help me survive on my own, or for my enjoyment.

    Check lists are a very good way to see what you think you will need or want. Make your own.

    Take a three day test run living in the popup in your drive way. Good way to see what you need,forgot, or what you don't need as well. You can do it. Good luck.

    Some good news comming my way this Friday.

    See ya

  11. Hey Tony...
    Good to hear that you have some good news coming your way.

    I like your idea of storing some small machine tools or mills in the van, along with the gardening tools. Anything that can be useful like that is a good idea to me!

    Hey, budy...I appreciate the visit today!

  12. One day at a time let's me get something done over many days instead of as I'm running out the door.
    I'm a list person, I make a list so I have something to follow when things get confusing. With a list everything seems so much easier.

    But that's me.

  13. Hey Rob...
    I think you are probably right! I guess I should just start listing all the things I need to do and go from there!

    The main thing for me is to make myself slow down and look at what I need to get done...slow and easy!

    Hey, thanks for the visit, my friend!

  14. Hey Buddy, sent you and e-mail

  15. Hey JoJo...
    Recieved it and answered...

  16. I am a planner and organizer, much to my detriment. You should see me get ready for vacation. Every detail is listed and plotted far in advance. Even my packing begins weeks ahead. I think I may need some spontaneity and a little of this rushing around, just to shake things up.

  17. Hey Rae...
    It's a shame we can't ever seem to find a middle ground somewhere, huh?

    Seems like we are either one way or the other!

    Thanks so much for coming by!

  18. It's good for the beginning prepper to get motivated and get things done. But prepping is a process.

    Once you got the basic preps together, you find yourself still pushing and pushing.

    At some point you got to say, time to back off, smell the flowers, enjoy life a bit and know that you're covered.

    It's an evolution things. Get yourself covered then enjoy life. Knowing when to back off is the tricky part. Been there done that.

  19. Thats a pretty good way to go about it Jim. Sometimes I forget to slow down and proceed with caution, and sometimes it just wears me out trying to get other things happening before there time.
    We gotta learn to enjoy the whole ride, I guess.
