Sunday, July 5, 2009

OK...Now I'm Angry...!

Lately I have not been spouting off too much about politics and the government made one stupid move after another, but this time I felt that I had to rant just a bit!

However, after seeing the headlines and reading the story in the Houston Chronicle, I was just flabbergasted! I just cannot understand, for the life of me, how this sort of thing could be allowed to ever happen...EVER!

Harris County jail, in their infinite wisdom, managed to let thousands of criminals, including child molesters, rapist, and drug dealers walk right out the door and go straight back into society after serving a short amount of time in county jail!

No wonder the crime rate is climbing here! No wonder the average citizen has no faith in their police or city government! No wonder I want out of this cesspool of a city so badly!

Then the PTB want to call the average Prepper or homesteader or average working man a "domestic terrorist" for wanting to defend his family and his home from outsiders, when the people in charge are letting the bad guys out of jail faster than the cops can pick them up and put them in!

Yeah...that really helps me feel so much more safe and secure! Thank you very much, all of you people responsible for this fiasco! May the bird of paradise fly up your nose!

Now, my friend, let's get some coffee and sit on the patio for a bit while I try and calm down, OK? OK!


  1. OK you have something to be angry about. That is some sick stuff letting these creeps back on the street. That is just like telling them go ahead a do your thing, we don't care. That makes me angry and I don't even live there. But whats to stop them from coming here or anywhere else.
    Pass that pot freind we need to calm down.

  2. Hey JoJo...
    It's a sick world, and getting sicker every day! How they could do this is a mystery to me.

    But what do I know? Hey, sweetie, thanks for stopping by this morning...

  3. Hello, Mister Hermit, sir...

    I'd offer you a pot of calming tea, but I'm not certain that calm is what's needed.

    Truly, before such things can be changed, people need to know, and be angered. And the anger shouldn't be permitted to cool, to gentle in any way - because it's offensive, what happened, what IS happening.

    If the founding fathers had been calm, cool, and feeling reasonable, they may never have started the revolution. Sometimes, passion combined with ire can be a good thing.

    What the Hell is wrong with those officials? Are they numb? Apathetic? Fecking stupid? I know the system can wear a body down...but don't they THINK? Don't they consider their own families, if no one else's?? Even if only a small percentage of the people released were violent, truly evil, that's still too many wandering about, free to do as they will, unpunished for what they've already done.


    I'm sorry...I didn't mean to go off on a rant...

    Maybe I'll make that tea after all...

    Shade and Sweetwater,

  4. Thanks Jim!

    Even if I am living in Sweden I am always upset when those crazy things happen.No wonder why the police have so much trouble to deal with the lawlessness in today´s society.
    Thanks for the eyeopener!!

  5. Good morning. We're in trouble if TSHF in Houston and we can't get out of dodge. We'll try to defend our home, but I'm getting concerned we're terribly outnumbered! I have three little ones and this stuff really concerns me. I really want a farm, a goat and more guns. Crazy times.

    Enjoy your coffee, but keep the doors locked:)

  6. Morning HJ,
    Things like this will continue until people say "ENOUGH" and do it themselves. Won't happen for a long time to come as they are too complacent, until it happens to them personally and they find out how helpless they really are.
    Have a little JD with your coffee, it'll help.

  7. Yessir, I do believe it's time to get outta Dodge! When free men are criminals, and real criminals are freed, that's a sure sign that the stuff is hitting the fan....

  8. ...yep,be worried...hearing about this more and more lately...they can't afford to keep'em...we get in trouble for killin'em,go figure...

    ...take a couple moments to refresh yerself with yer carry piece...


  9. Hey K...
    That's just hat we need...a lot of rightous imdignation to get the ball rolling. It's obvious to me that these folks don't see the results of their actio everyay like the average man does.

    The authorities admitted to being able to look at and revierw only 10% of the files of these criminals, and yet they are cutting jobs!

    I don't know what the solution is...I wish I did!

    Thanks for coming by, K!

    Hey Mattias...
    Long time , my friend! I'm sure that this sort of thing goes on in other places...but you just don't think about it until it happens near your home, ya know?

    This kind of action should scare us to death, without a doubt!

    Hey, thanks for coming by...

    Hey Kris...
    I know what you mean about being outnumbered. All I have to do to see the proof of that, is to look out my window or down my street each day!

    More guns is not a bad investment, I'm thinking! A Farm and a goat sounds like a better one!

    Thanks so much for coming by...

    Hey YOF...
    Funny how it gets your attention more if it happens at your house, or next door! In my opinion, most of the cities are beyond fixing...and I don't even want to try!

    Thanks for the visit buddy!

    Hey Mayberry...
    I'm afraid you're right, my friend. Would the last one out of Dodge turn out the light?

    Thanks for coming over, Mayberry!

    Hey Ken...
    Wonder why they just don't toss the whole system and rewrite the laws to suit themselves? Oh, yeah...they have already done that...sorry!

    I have no sympathy for anyone that "accidently" gets shot at while breaking into a home or attacking another victim...guess you could say accidents happen, right?

    The more I think about this, the madder I get! Time for the CCW, I reckon...

    Thanks for dropping in, buddy!

  10. Houstonmom wrote, "We'll try to defend our home, but I'm getting concerned we're terribly outnumbered!"
    If you have only a 22 rifle, you can win. My grandson shoots 3 shots into 3/8" at 50 yards. Practice until you can put all shots in 2" at 50 yards. When the mob gets close shoot the front scumbag in the nose. Not much between the nose and midbrain. His butt will hit the pavement. Even stupid swaggering streetscum notice when they start dropping. If you have an SKS 762x39 their heads will bust like a watrermelon falling off a truck. Selfdefence is optional.
    You can let them capture you, take turns raping you and then kill you and your kids.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Hey Vlad...
    Learn to use well the weapons that you have! Best advice I've seen lately...

    I get a little nervous myself, thinking of all the scenarios that could happen!

    Hey, thanks for the visit, Vlad!

  13. Oh Hermit Jim....I sympathize with you. You know me....I live in this hellhole as well. I think I told you about the guy pulling a gun on me at a stoplight back on December 2nd and then the leaf blower being stolen in broad daylight, drive by shooting 1 street over, and purse being stolen at Wal-Mart. This place is just ridiculous. I hate it here. We are getting the hell out of Houston. You know what beats it all? The cops told me there was nothing they could do about the guy pulling a gun on me and even QUESTIONED whether or not it was a real gun. Now, if someone pulled a gun on THEM would there even BE a question? This place is crazy, like Sodom and Gomorrah. I thought the kid sacking my groceries earlier was going to have intercourse with his girlfriend right there on the job, I mean his pants were already down past his hips. -Donna

  14. They can't keep an eye on criminals... They're too busy policing veterans and banning flavored cigarettes. I'm glad I'm not a smoker. Of course, I'm still a veteran.


  15. Hey Donna...
    I think it's time that all of us that are able to get outta Dodge...what with the hurricans coming and the criminal element, it's time to go!

    Sodom and Gomorra is a good description, for sure!

    Hey Thanks for the visit, Donna!

    Hey Ashley...
    Thanks for the visit today...!

  16. My first choice is Garand 3006. If I have "only" a 22 rifle they'll be lucky if they do not catch me.

    The lowly .22 caliber LR (long rifle) round is becoming a favorite among snipers. Professional assassins (usually thugs working for organized crime) have long favored using .22 caliber (5.56mm) pistols for their work. While not a powerful round, if you shoot someone up close with a .22 caliber pistol several things are noted.
    1- The victim is dead if you shoot him in the head, whish is what pros usually aim for (as these guys like to say, "two in the head and you know he's dead.")
    2- There is hardly any sound if you use a silencer, and not much even if you don't.
    3-A 22 caliber pistol is small, even with a silencer. That makes it easier to conceal, and easier to dispose of.
    Then the Russians noted that Chechen snipers were effectively using .22 LR (long rifle, them little bullets kids use to hunt squirrels and rabbits with) weapons. Inside towns and cities, the .22 LR sniper was very effective, especially since the Chechens would improvise a very workable silencer by putting a plastic bottle on the end of the rifle's barrel, with a hole in the bottom of the barrel for the bullet to exit. Using a cheap scope, Chechen snipers were very deadly at ranges of less than a hundred meters. Such ranges were pretty common in built up areas. And since you usually did not hear the shot (to the head or face, of course), you had a hard time finding the shooter. Having suffered from these low tech .22 caliber Chechen snipers for ten years, the Russians have come out with their own professional .22 LR sniper rifle, the SV-99. This is a little heavier (at 8.3 pounds) than your usual .22 LR rifle, but is built for professionals. It has a heavier barrel, a bipod, silencer and scope. It's 39 inches long and can accept five, eight or ten round magazines. There is a compartment in the butt stock for two five round magazines. With the SV-99, at a hundred meters, a skilled shooter can consistently put all rounds in a half inch circle. This is a specialist weapon, most likely used by commandos. But any trained sniper can quickly adapt to using it. And snipers like not being heard.

  17. Hey Vlad...
    Thanks for the suggestions. I didn't know about the snipers using the 22LR...but I can attest to it's accuracy. I used to be on the rifle team in school, and we used a match 22 that was a lot heavier than a regular rifle.

    Had no trouble winning compitions with that rifle...! Wish I had one now!

  18. I practice with CCI 22 CB Long ammo in the house.
    I cite Mel Tappan Survival Guns page 177
    ......"in a barrel of 22" or longer , the CCI cap is almost totally silent. At a distance
    of 8 feet from the muzzle of my 24" Anschutz, the sound level from firing was only 9 db and at 15 feet it was totally inaudible."
    NOTA BENE though it does the job when properly placed at very close range, 22 CB Long is a tad light for stopping people who would harm you. I suggest that the Remington and other subsonic ammo, are more suitable and very little noisier.

    PS some guys sell you anything to grub a nickel. Pay attention when you buy. Be certain that the box is marked "CCI 22 CB Long" or "Remington subsonic" etc.
