Monday, July 6, 2009

Old Time Classroom...!

Many times in days of old, many of us had to make a trip to the woodshed or to out behind the barn.

I don't think it really damaged any of us to a great degree, although today most of those trips would be considered illegal! I can't help but wonder if sometimes one or two of those "educational trips" might not help us a bit today...or at least some of us!

There were times that those trips were not for unpleasant education, but maybe for one of the more enjoyable lessons of life! I'm sure that some of you know exactly what I'm talking about, so don't try and deny it!

Besides, there were some good memories made back then! Watch and you'll see what I mean...

Did any of that remind you of the days gone by? Probably it did...I know it did for me. I wouldn't trade those memories for anything!

Now, my friend, let's get some coffee and sit on the patio. We can swap stories about some of our "behind the barn" trips, OK?


  1. Now that was hilarious Hermit! The only thing we had "out behind the barn" was what aussies call the "dunny", an outside loo, was years before we got one inside LOL!!

  2. morn'n all,
    got the big eye and got up at 230.
    don't ask.
    coffee is yummy good.

  3. Hi Jim!

    I will soon drink my coffee, you know we swedes love it!

  4. LMAO Good Morning my Special Friend, That was funny, but I was a city gal so no no lesson's behind the barn. we played other places. Oh wow there was a barn! I just remembered across the street some old lady still had a small barn. She only had chickens then as it was getting so populated and the zones were changing. But we had moved away before I was old enough to learn anything back there.
    Pass the pot please and start the trip down memory lane.

  5. Good morning, Mister Hermit, sir!

    I must say, I find my education well advanced, popping by here of a morning.

    Alas, the only thing I ever did behind the barn was empty the wheelbarrow I'd loaded IN the barn while mucking stalls. My brother, on the other hand, got into worlds of trouble in and around a barn - smoking pipes in the hayloft is generally frowned upon!

    I was never spanked, either - my grandfather (the closest thing I had to a father for many years) was a large man, imposing, and his hands were the size of dinner plates (in my eyes, anyway). I didn't want to risk his wrath!

    Thanks for the chuckle...

    Shade and Sweetwater,

  6. ...many a young'un i've seen would do well with a good ol'fashioned ass whoopin'...the levels of disrespect to parents these days is astounding...some of the 'older boys' just need a good asskickin'...sign me a fan of corporal punishment

    ...Respect: It's not what you think,but what you say...It's not what you say,but when you say it...
    ... .02

  7. Hey Molly...
    Many a trip I made to the outdoor "john" when visiting relatives in the country! Some folks don't realise what a modern convenience indoor plumbing really is!

    Hey, thanks for the visit this morning, Molly!

    Hey Vlad...
    Good to see you this morning! Thanks for the comments and for coming by!

    Hey Mattias...
    I didn't know if they drank more tea than I'm glad I can furnish the coffee this morning! All out of tea...

    Would you say that coffee is more popular than tea there?

    Hey JoJo...
    I can see that a vital part of your education has been overlooked! I'll have to remedy that!

    Since I'm such a nice guy, I'll take on the responsibility of your "behind the barn" education, OK?

    Hey, thanks for the visit, my special friend!

    Hey K...
    In some cases, the threat of a spanking has the same effect as the spanking itself, especially if you saw your brother get in trouble and reap the rewards of those actions!

    The fear of punishment kept me from making some pretty dumb moves when I was younger...not all, but some!

    Thanks so much for the visit this morning, my friend!

    Hey Ken...
    I have to agree with you there! The biggest fear I had was disappointing my parents, and I knew that if I got in trouble at school, double that was coming when I got home!

    Our spankings were never beatings...but still hurt a bunch. I think it hurt our feelings more than our backside!

    Hey, thanks for coming by, buddy!

  8. If you are interested in capabilities of 22LR, see new comments on OK! Now I'm Angry

  9. OH! :O should my face get red now.hehe Ok I'm ready when ever you are. Got a barn?

  10. Hey Vlad...
    I checked it out! Thanks for the information, my friend!

    Hey JoJo...
    I don't have a barn, but I'll bet I can find one!

    Anything I can do to further your education a bit, ya know? Just cause I'm such a nice guy!

  11. Oh yes you are. and I bet you will find that barn too. Such a wonderful guy too. When does class start don't want to be late. LOL

  12. Good Afternoon, Uncle Hermit

    That was cute...I didn't have a barn growing up, after listening to Little Jimmy sing about it, I'm thinking I might have missed out on some educational opportunities. ;D

    Have a great day!


  13. Hey JoJo...
    At least when you are late, I'll bet you don't even have to bring a note!

    Hey Felinae...
    I'll bet that the Catman would be glad to help complete your education...if he hasn't already!

    Maybe an occasional "field trip" could be used to keep the process from getting old, ya reckon?
