Tuesday, August 11, 2009

A Little Wake Up Music...!

Sometimes we need a little help in the mornings to get the old juices flowing...so, being the nice and helpful guy that I am, I am bringing you a little bit of music to gently nudge you into the waking world!

I only do this because I sometimes need a little push myself. I understand how it is...and I care! So while I get the coffee started, maybe you should listen to this little bit of wizardry that is guaranteed to rock your world...!

Now, my friends, the coffee is ready...so let's get a cup and sit outside for a bit, OK?


  1. ...well it aint mornin' Jim,so i'm gonna hit the garage and crank out some,Steve Vai,Joe Satriani,and Eric Johnson...my 3Gs...last beer anyway,then bed...
    ...then i'll come back for the true mornin' cup...

  2. Hi Uncle Hermit

    Like Ken, it isn't morning here yet either, but I always like to drop in before I hit the hay.

    That was definitely an eye opening tune. I really enjoyed it, thank you!

    Have an enjoyable Tuesday.


  3. Hey Ken...
    Well, at least I got your attention, right? Nothing like a little guitar playing to make the day seem a bit better!

    I'll ice down the beer and heat up the coffee...so it's ready when you are, buddy!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Felinae...
    Good to see you today! This will help you fall asleep...or not!

    Hey, girl...tthanks for dropping by this morning!

  4. Morning to yah Jim! I won't need coffee after that...lol

    Are you getting excited about your new land yet? Ohhhh the kitties are gonna love it...all those new and fresh "sniffs" at the window.
    Have a grand day, Jim!

  5. I saw your PV set up at your well. Smart. Very smart. Have duplicates of everything!


  6. Good morning, Mister Hermit, sir - my eyes are open, my eyes are open!

    I liked this movie (yeah, yeah)...but I'm a musician, and I adore the blues, and classical guitar, and dirty guitar (when the notes get a little frayed around the edges and grungy sounding) and weaving magic into the strands of notes all strung together like auditory jewels...

    I had this movie on tape and about wore out this scene...

    Thanks for the wake-up, sir!

    Shade and Sweetwater,

  7. Hey Cath...
    It does sort of make you want to sit up and pay attention, doesn't it?

    Yeah, I' excited about the land and looking forward to gettig out there for a visit. I'll be sure to take lots of pictures to share...

    Hey, thanks for coming by today...!

    Hey Michael...
    Hope that my well is as productive as the driller says! 350 feet deep, pumping at 35 gallons a minute!

    Can't wait for the first taste of good ol' cold well water from my own place, ya know?

    Hey, I appreciate the visit today!

    Hey Kyddryn...
    Good to see you this morning, my lady! I haen't seen the entire moie for a long time, but think I'll get it again!

    I do appreciate you dropping in today, K...!

  8. OK I wear my hair spiked on top but now it is spiked everywhere lol and I am awake now also. Its been a long time since I heard any real guitar playing like that. Good coffee this morning, very good.

  9. Hey JoJo...
    It does have a tendency to wake you up and get your attention, doesn't it?

    It's amazing how you can find some of these things still on the net, if you just look around!

    Hey, sweetie, thanks for coming by today...!

  10. Morning HJ,
    I didn't see the movie but I did like this clip. Helped get me started!

  11. ...well here it is,still 'almost' morning...lol,got tinkering in the garage last nite,stereo blastin' next thing i knew it was 4:30...yep i shoulda waited till i woke up before visitin' that vid...lol


  12. Hey YOF...
    The movie has a lot of really good music in it...mostly guitar!

    If you can still find it, it's well worth the watching just for the music alone!

    Thanks, Jesse, for coming by today! I appreciate it, brother...

    Hey Ken...
    See, you didn't need the sleep anyway! I had forgotten just how good this movie was until I found this clip!

    Hey, my friend, thank you so much for the visit today...

  13. I'm late! I'm late!

    see y'all tomorrow.

  14. Hey Vlad...
    Well, you know what they say...better late than never!

    I saved you a cup, my friend...and I do appreciate you dropping by today!
