Monday, August 10, 2009

The Solar Water Pump...!

I'll have to admit that I have never seen one of these in action, and since I may want to use one of these pumps I thought I would do some research. Here is an interesting video I found!

I thought you might be interested in the whole operation and in how complicated, or not complicated the installation is. Sorry if you have already seen this, but I found it fascinating to watch...I hope you do as well.

Now I feel better about the installation and use of one of these pumps! Now if I can get over the sticker shock...!

Let's get some coffee and go sit outside, OK, my friend? OK!


  1. Now that's slick!! Thanks Jim! Oh and btw, I'm luvvvving that little chunk of paradise you bought! Incredible find!! So when do we start having coffee there? Hmmmmm? lol
    Have a grand day!

  2. A new solar pump with the new property... sounds fantastic. Dave was looking at solar powered batteries yesterday (online) and he had sticker shock too.

    Enjoy your coffee and have a great day.

  3. Well you seem to be looking at all the goodies to go with the property. I have a question, why didn't they do a shut off before they got the water running or did I miss that some how?

  4. Hey Cath...
    Thanks for the kid words today. I'm pretty pleased with it myself!

    Coffee starts there just as soon as I can get a porch or patio built!

    Thanks for coming by, Cath...

    Hey Kris...
    Guess the one time cost is well worth the being off grid! I mainly wanted the solar pump to have in case of a grid failure, ya know?

    I figure the pump going into a cistern will hold enough water to get me by until any cloudy days pass!

    Tell Dave I can feel his shock...!

    Thanks for coming by this morning!

    Hey JoJo...
    This video is just to show the basics. You could put a cutoff this case, they had an off/on switch at the solar panels.

    Thanks for coming by, sweetie!

  5. I went with a Grundfos Cu 200, Sqflex Control Box; Grundfos 3 Sqf-2 Sqflex Solar Pump, 3 Gpm Nominal; 2 SunForce Solar panels and a Zomeworks Tracker. It was not cheap but being off the grid is worth every penny!


  6. Hey Pickdog...
    I hear ya on that! My desire is to be totally off grid. I may have to use grid power to get started, then switch as I can afford it...but that's the plan!

    Building shelter is my first concern, though. I can take my time once I have shelter and water! The rest is fine tuning, I reckon!

    Thanks for coming by and for the information...I appreciate it!

  7. Heh Jim,

    What was the sticker shock?

    Sounds like something I could use in Florida.

    see Ya

  8. Hey Tony...
    I went to the web site of the company doing this video and from what I saw, the prices start at around $2000 for the pump. here is a link

    There are a lot of places to get these pumps, so I am just shopping around right now!

    Thanks for coming by today, buddy!

  9. Good morning, Mister Hermit, sir.

    Neat stuff! It seems as though going solar costs dearly - I priced the conversion of my current house to solar, and nearly choked - up to $60,000! Ouch!!

    If I had that kind of dosh rolling around, I'd use it to start building a new house with solar built in!


    Shade and Sweetwater,

  10. Hey K...
    The initial cost is high...but the best way to convert over is to do it a bit at a time. Start with a small setup, then add to it as you can or as you need it!

    The payback is in being free from the grid! To me, the ideal set up is solar panels, a wind generator to assist on cloudy days...and a small generator just in case the other two go down due to a storm or whatever!

    Using solar does cause you to be more selective as to what you use on a daily basis, that's for sure!

    Hey, K, thanks for coming by!

  11. ...i've heard some scuttlebutt about the solar powered pumps,but this was the first time i seen'em in action...kinda cool,a stock tank and cistern yer good to go for days...a small manifold set up and you could irrigate a garden too...
    (holding up coffee mug)...heres to the new homestead,may yer days be sunny and the well never run dry...

  12. Hey Ken...
    Glad I already have the stock pond (.5 to 2 acres) with an automatic waterer built . All I have to do now id to get a pump to get the water up, then to a cistern closer to the cabin...add a solar pump to the cistern for the garden and I'm good to go! That takes care of the basics anyway!

    Thanks for the kind words, buddy!

  13. ...hehehe,forgot about the pond in the,had to go look at'em again

  14. OK so you know how I only pay attention half the I should have known there would be a way to shut that off. I should have waited until I had a few more cups before I asked that one. I think I need to go away for awhile it has been way to long since I have been in the mountains.

  15. Hey JoJo...
    What you need, Girl, is a vacation! A trip to the mountains might be just the thing, alright!

    Unless, of course, you want to meet me at the retreat in Missouri...

  16. when are you heading out?

  17. Hey JoJo...
    I'll be headed out sometime in September for a visit and to take pictures! Don't know the date yet!
