Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Bright-Eyed And Bushy Tailed...!

Well, at least the bright eyed part is true!

Went to the VA yesterday and got the cataract surgery done on the left eye! So now, both eyes are done and I should be good to go for a while, Lord willing!

Eyesight is one of those things that can get worse very slowly until just don't see well at all! That's when you realize just how much you need it and depend on it!

My baby Sis was kind enough to take me there yesterday! Had to be there at the doctors office at 6:30 AM...which, in my book, is pretty early! I really hated to ask anyone to take me there and back, but the VA has some crazy rules about not letting folks that just underwent eye surgery drive themselves home!

Crazy, huh?

Anyway, we got there by 6:10 AM, got into the prep room and then the operating room pretty quick. Out of the operating room, into the recovery room, then released from the place just before 9:00AM.

I thought that was pretty darn good! What made it even more special is the doctor came by recovery to check on me and said "I'll go see if I can get you a cup of coffee"...didn't even have to ask her! Would your doctor do that?

I may poke fun at the government and get mad at them a lot...but I'll be the first to say that the fine folks at the VA have always treated me fine. Treated me like a real person and not a number! I appreciate that...a LOT! They certainly have my respect and my thanks!

Now, my friends, to celebrate the new vision...let's get some coffee and sit outside for a bit! OK?


  1. I'm right here with ya. Coffee cheers dear ol' Hermit. ;)

  2. Glad to hear your procedure went well sir, must be a load off your shoulders getting it past your 'To Do List'.

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, it sounds like you have a lot to be grateful for. Having family that loves you around is a major blessing.

  3. Good Morning My Special One,
    So happy you are all done and seeing so much better now. I am next the eyelid is almost healed so the caterac is next to go. I keep saying it has nothing to do with age but I guess we know better. So happy for you.
    Whats on the menu for Thanksgiving now that you can see better you can read a recipe right 8)

  4. Yee Hawww,, congrats on the new peepers. In fact I had mentioned you and your procedure to my eye doctor lady the other day when she was looking at mine.
    ( said maybe two years till I need it done)

  5. Glad it went well. One more thing to be thankful for, since it's that time of the year and all.

  6. Glad to hear you are bright eyed. That is for sure, I still can't believe the moon is as bright as it is and the blues and purples look so much brighter instead of greenish. We both have a lot to be thankfull for. I remember how hard it was for my Mother when she had it done and then had to wear coke bottle glasses. Times have changed.

  7. Hey Farmchick...
    Good to see you here this morning! I do appreciate the coffee cheers today...and thank you so much for coming by!

    You have a great day!

    Hey Anon 6:01...
    I do indeed have a lot to be thankful for this fine day! Sometimes I forget just how lucky I really am!

    Thank you so much for coming by this morning! Your visit is greatly appreciated!

    Hey JoJo...
    Thanks, sweetie, for the good wishes! I can indeed see a lot better and it just makes me appreciate the beauty of the natural world even more!

    Good that you are ready for the cataract surgery, as it will make a wonderful difference in how you see things!

    Thanks, darlin', for coming by today!

    Hey Ben...
    Glad you d0on't need it right now and that the rest of your visit went well!

    Sounds like we have some exceptional doctors on our side!

    I do thank you for coming by today, buddy!

    Hey SixBears...
    One of many things to be thankful for, my friend!

    Right now, life is good! Coffee is hot and fresh, health ain't bad, belly is full, and the pantry is stocked!

    All in all, things are not as bad as they could be!

    I do appreciate you coming by today, my friend!

    Hey Dizzy...
    Makes us realize just how far we have come in the care of our eyes in the last few years, doesn't it?

    You are so right about things like the moon being brighter and the colors being bolder...makes Mother Nature all that more pleasing for sure!

    Many thanks, buddy, for coming by today!

  8. ...mornin'Jim,glad to hear all's well...good to hear ya got some respectful folks to deal with at the VA,more the exception than the rule,especially for a "gov't agency"...

  9. Glad to hear everything is fine with your eyes. Hate to see you squinting to see the bad guys. Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving. I might not be around early tomorrow as my son and I are going pheasant hunting.

  10. H.J.,

    Good to hear that your procedure went well. Yes, our sight is such a special gift so easily taken for granted.

    It is below zero here and I badly need that second cup of coffee. Hot, very hot!!!

  11. Hey Ken...
    Yeah, these folks here are some good people, that's for sure!

    Wouldn't know that this place was a government operation if you didn't know already!

    Have a great holiday, buddy, and thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Mechanic...
    I do hope you and the son have a successful and safe hunt. I know the most fulfilling part will be the chance for some quality time together!

    Here's wishing you and yours a safe and happy Turkey day!

    Thanks for the visit!

    Hey 2 tramps...
    I appreciate the good thoughts this morning.

    Below zero? WOW! That's way too cold for me!

    Here's hoping you have a very happy thanksgiving...and I thank you for your visit this morning!

  12. So glad things are looking better for you! And that it went so smoothly. Have a great Thanksgiving tomorrow. :)

  13. Hey Angela...
    Time sure does seem to fly, doesn't it? Seems like only yesterday we were all wishing each other these same things, with hopes for a better time ahead!

    The years seem to pass by faster and faster all the time!

    Well, here's wishing you and the family a good holiday for this year (2010) and I hope everyone stays healthy and safe at your place!

    Thanks for the visit, my friend!
