Tuesday, November 23, 2010

What Image Do We Put Forth...?

What does it say about what the rest of the world thinks of our "leadership", when there is more interest in the limo than in the prez?

When I read a story like this, I am extremely saddened by the fact that this is the image of America our leaders are presenting to the rest of the world.

I'm thinking that this is an example of what a laughing stock our representatives have become! I'm afraid that not many folks are taking the U.S. seriously anymore.

Obama's limo revs up media
November 20, 2010

LISBON, Portugal -- Portuguese media seems fascinated by Obama's limousine, a sleek, armored car they've dubbed Cadillac One.

Newspapers and magazines have run photos and half-page graphics marveling at the vehicle, which also is known in Washington as "The Beast" because of its extra-thick doors and huge tires.

Noticias magazine called it a "bunker on wheels." Sabado, another magazine, calculated that the gas-guzzling Cadillac cost more than three times the Portuguese president's unarmored car.

Obama's limo attracted outsize interest from local media during portions of his recent trip to Asia, as well.

Maybe we could save a whole lot of money the next time around if we just send the limo on tour and the president can stay at home and work on some of the issues facing our nation! Just a thought!

Now, my friends, let's get some fresh coffee and sit outside for just a bit. OK?


  1. I watched a report on a presidents limo after he was elected! As in any presidents limo, the actual cost of the limo is loose change compared to the cost of the security of it! The actual parking garage is armed better than Fort Knox and the limo itself must be in contact with human eyes 24 hours a day! With all of the high dollar government crew going on 24hours a day, the cost must be staggering!

  2. I agree with you, Jim. The prez should stay home. He's just making a joke (I was going to say something else but reconsidered) of himself anyway. Our country is fast becoming the world's joke.
    Coffee sounds good but I'll stay inside 'cuz of the rain here.

  3. Not only is Obama a laughing stock, he is a disgrace! If anyone wanted to take him out, it surely would have been done by now, so why spend the $$ on such a rig. He's just the little guy being played by the real puppet masters.

    Coffee sounds good we're sitting at -18F with the windchill factored in The ole wood cooksotve is working hard to keep up!
    Praying your Thanksgiving is filled with many Blessing and much Love hermit Jim!

  4. ...weighs in at three times more than a comparable size limo...200+ gallons of fuel,to have "about" the same range...where's the "green" outrage???
    ...nuthin'but a waste,just like everything in d.c.

  5. Hey Fred...
    He doesn't care, as the people foot the bill as always!

    The only thing about this guy is the stuff he is sacking away for his future!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Kelle...
    Keep that ol' stove fed and fired up...abd I'll keep the coffee going!

    I do appreciate you dropping by this morning!

    Hey Momlady...
    You have a lot more control than I do! I would have already said something tacky, but I'll let it pass for now!

    Be nice if he would stay at home and keep quiet about whatever lies he is telling today!!

    Thanks, my friend, for coming by this morning!

    Hey Ken...
    I have to agree with you on that! Waste that could be used for so many other things!

    Lord, will it ever stop! Hey, thanks for coming by, buddy!

  6. Maybe he knows his time in office is comming to an end, so he wants to do as much as he can to spend money and play king (not Jim King) but the dictator type, and help himself to all the treats he can get.

  7. He's just getting back at us for slavery. He'll just spend us into trouble so he can declare martial law and take total control over us. Thanks for the great info.

  8. Hey Dizzy...
    I can't imagine this guy even actively seeking another term in office! Surely he doesn't believe he would win!

    Your right about his spending everything he can get his hands on!

    I do appreciate you coming by today!

    Hey Mechanic...
    Whatever he is doing, he ain't doing it right! Things are the worst I've ever seen!

    I would hope that he isn't planning anything quite as drastic, for now...but you just never know!

    Thanks, buddy, for coming by today!

  9. What does it tell you when the president of Portugal doesn't need an armored limo?

  10. Hey Bob...
    What it tells me is that the leader of Portugal isn't as nearly fearful for his life as our prez is!

    It just seems to me that the whole "white house toy" thing is a bit over the top! But then, that's just me...and I don't know all the facts, as I've been told so many times!

    I sure do appreciate you coming by today, Bob!

  11. see I'm on the short end of this debate, but I still believe in him.He inherited a mess that will not be cleaned up in his first term.It is hard to govern when the hill is setting on their hands.Now let see if those you put in office is ready to govern.I do believe he has the good of the nation on his mind.Every time I get discouraged I think (President Palian).Then I thank my GOD I voted for him.

  12. The problem is that love him or hate him, we still have to protect our president. And as the premier nation in the world, our president has to make appearances at times. Now, if he would get a brain and repeal NAFTA and other assorted crap, maybe we'd get some manufacturing jobs back. Without them, our economy will never recover.

    And since the world just loved our pres before the election, they can damn well deal with him now. He was nowhere near my first choice, I assure you! The rest of the world can have him, and I'll even throw in the limo at no charge!

  13. Hey Ted...
    I hope your faith is repaid with good works, my friend! It's good to know that some still have faith in the PTB, but I just don't happen to be one of them at the moment!

    No one man can do major changes alone, and unfortunately I don't see him getting the help to improve anything real soon, if that's what he wants!

    Things have to get better soon, I think!

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Marjie...
    I'd have to agree that the protection is needed, but I think he would be better served by staying at home a little more!

    I certainly appreciate you coming by for a visit today!

  14. in true gub'mint fashion, we could sell tickets to the event, tax it into oblivian, and...

    oh, wait...

  15. People have such short memories of where we were when he took office an what a mess we were in.Hes made mistakes but not anything compared to what our previsous office holder did.You bet I have patience when it come to Obama.
