Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Creepy Plant Tuesday...!

After the post on the mysterious seeds yesterday, I thought we should look at a really creepy plant today.

There is something about creepy that is fun and scary at the same time, especially if it concerns living things! This one certainly prove of creepy plants!

Bleeding Tooth Fungus

The bleeding tooth fungus looks kind of like a wad of chewing gum that leaks blood like a rejected prop from The Shining.

They're also called the strawberries and cream, the red-juice tooth, and the devil's tooth. Whoever is in charge of naming scary bullshit seems really insistent that this thing looks like a tooth, while mostly skirting over the fact that it freaking sweats blood.

Oh, and they are listed as "inedible," which implies that someone attempted to eat one at some point. On the other hand, the bloodlike substance has anticoagulant and antibacterial properties. It's nature's next penicillin! All you have to do is lick it. Go ahead!

Read more: http://www.cracked.com/article_18979_10-creepy-plants-that-shouldnt-exist.html#ixzz2JKt9VoLo

I may have to make these creepy plants a regular feature here at the Hermit's. What do ya think?

Better have our coffee inside today. Looks like rain!


  1. ...if i aint mistaken, i think you've had this up in a prior post(at least someone did) anyway, i aint lickin' it...let's get mikey, he'll try it, he'll eat anything...lol

  2. Hey Ken...
    You may be right! I have done so much looking for this stuff that I forget if I've posted some things.

    Anyway, if I did I hope it was worth a second look!

    I sure appreciate you coming over today!

  3. I did wonder wher I've seen thius before :-)It is creepy but still cool in a way :-)

    Have a great day!

  4. Hey Christer...
    Ken may be right about me posting this before. Sorry about that!

    I agree that this thing is both creepy and beautiful. Thanks for the visit this morning!

  5. It's just as creepy the second time around. Ewwwww.

  6. Phyllis (N/W Jersey)January 29, 2013 at 7:04 AM

    It's very pretty - but.....
    Creepy stuff would make a good regular feature!
    I'll bring another almond coffee ring since Jo liked it so much!

  7. EEeeeeyuuuckkkk! I think I remember this one as well - looks like a Pop-Tart that got microwaved too much before it explodes!

  8. It is very creepy looking but it does not look like a tooth. However, it is also very beautiful - I like the strawberries and cream name. I think Phyllis has a great idea - Creepy Stuff Day. Coffee definitely inside. Raining cats and dogs here.

  9. You don't want to come across this one by surprise.

  10. I think it is pretty too. But don't get the tooth part at all.

    Thanks Phyllis, for remembering me.
    There are just some things you can't get out here in the SW like back in NJ. So lets sit in our buddy Mr. Hermits, kitchen and have coffee and alomond coffee ring.

  11. Looks like cherry meringue pie to me. Too bad it is poisonous.

  12. Hey Momlady...
    Sure looks like something that could be from outer space!

    Thanks for dropping by this morning.

    Hey Phyllis...
    Looks like something I don't want to have growing in my yard!

    Guess I'll have to try and make one of those almond coffee rings, since you and Jo think it is so good! Never could turn down a piece of cake or any sweets, ya know?

    Thanks, my friend, for coming over today!

  13. Where does this plant grow!!! I have not seen one down south as of yet :) This for sure creepy lol

  14. If I look at the picture and think "strawberries and cream" it's beautiful! But when I look at the same picture and think "bleeding tooth".... not so enjoyable.

    I'd much rather see a picture of the sourdough bread or fruit bars!
