Monday, January 28, 2013

Monday Mystery About Seeds...!

With so many folks having dreams about Spring and their future gardens, I thought we would talk about a seed mystery!

What better way to accompany the browsing of the seed catalogs than to have a nice mystery to consider? So, grab a fresh cup of your warm beverage and enjoy today's mystery!

Rain of Seeds
February 1979


Roland Moody of Southampton, England, was startled to hear small, solid objects hitting the glass roof of the conservatory attached to his house. The objects turned out to be hundreds of seeds—small mustard seeds and cress seeds coated in a jelly-like substance. More seeds continued to fall during the day, eventually covering his garden. One of his neighbors, Mrs. Stockley, told Moody she’d had a similar experience the previous year.

The following day, Moody’s home was struck by corn, pea, and bean seeds that seemed to simply fall out of the sky. His neighbors on both sides were also pelted with peas and beans. Only those three houses in the neighborhood were targeted for the bizarre showers of seeds, and a police investigation was unable to pinpoint a source.

The phenomena gradually decreased and went away. By that time, Moody and his neighbors had endured twenty-five separate barrages and collected ten pounds of beans from their gardens. Moody himself gathered eight buckets of cress seeds. He claimed the produce grown from the seeds was good quality. Both Moody and Stockley were interviewed for Arthur C. Clarke’s Mysterious World television series in 1980. To date, no adequate explanation for the weird showers has been found.

I'm thinking that if we all had a rain like this one, we could have one heck of a garden, right? Would you eat the veggies that grew from seeds from the sky?

Coffee on the patio this morning. I'll break out some fruit bars that are pretty good!


  1. Phyllis )N/W Jersey)January 28, 2013 at 4:45 AM

    Nope - don't think I would use 'em! You sure do find some interesting stories, Mr. Hermit!
    Fruit bars sound good. Save two for me.

  2. Instead of pennies from heaven it's seeds from heaven? Don't know if I'd use 'em.

  3. I don't know if I would use them either. Guess I just don't trust what falls from the skies. Now if after testing them they turned out to be good, I would love to have a "free" garden. Coffee outside sounds good. Thanks for the fruit bars.

  4. I'm with Linda, if they tested safe I would use them and share. At the cost of veggies these days I would love to have my own garden.
    Our ground is so hard you would need a backhoe to dig it out.

    I would love some coffee on the patio. thank you

  5. I would have been too curious not to aow them :-) Very strange indded since it only happened to those few homes!

    Have a great day!

  6. I'm with Christer; curiosity would have won out with that one and I'd had to have planted them and eat the results too! if they looked okay. Why not? You could look at it as kinda like manna from heaven! lol!

  7. Hey Phyllis...
    They say never look a gift horse in the mouth, so I reckon I would have to plant them!

    Glad you like the stories. Lots of interesting stuff out there!

    Many thanks for coming over!

    Hey Momlady...
    Does kinda make you wonder just where they came from!

    I'd have to plant them, I'm afraid!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Linda...
    I guess there comes a time you just have to take a leap of faith!

    Still, it's kinda scary!

    Thanks so much for dropping by today!

    Hey Jo...
    You could always hire a tractor to break up the soil for a garden! Then all you would have to deal with is the heat and water!

    Thanks, sweetie, for coming by this morning!

    Hey Christer...
    Does make for a good mystery, doesn't it?

    I figured that you, being a plant guy, would plant them!

    Thanks for dropping by today!

  8. Hey Anne...
    They would probably grow well at your place. Your garden always looks so good in the pictures!

    Of course, you could always test them out by feeding a few to the chickens!

    Thanks for coming by, my friend!

  9. My neighbor actually saw it raining fish. What had happened was that a small twister sucked them out of a pond and later dumped them during the rain shower. He thought that he was seeing things since he was stone cold sober.

  10. I must say we never have experienced it raining seeds but hey, I am willing to give it a try. The price of fruit and vegetables it would be welcome. Keep the coffee hot and the save me a fruit bar...I have an orange loaf cake I will bring. Nom nom...

  11. Hey Dizzy...
    I found several stories of different animals falling from the sky! Strange, for sure!

    Thanks, buddy, for coming over today!

    Hey JMD...
    Prices are getting ridiculous, that's for sure!

    That orange loaf cake sounds pretty good to me!

    Thanks for the visit today!

  12. . . . so that's what they mean by "seedy neighborhood."

  13. Given the cost of everything at the market these days, I think I'd chance using them, Mister Hermit, sir.

    Shade and Sweetwater,

  14. Hey Sixbears...
    I wondered where that saying came from! Now I know!

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Kyddryn...
    Gotta do something to cancel out the high prices, right?

    Good to hear from you today!

  15. Hey Jill...
    Certainly sounds like that to me! Wonder why it's so selective?

    Thanks for coming over today!
