Friday, February 22, 2013

Would You Drink This...?

I am changing "Friday travels" up just a bit. Instead, we'll be calling it "Crazy Friday!"

I can't think of anything more crazy to start today's version than this article I found over at Listverse! If this one isn't crazy, I don't know what is!

Panda Tea

Let’s just go ahead and say it: Panda Tea is a drink made from panda poop, and it’s the single most expensive tea in the world—one dried kilo of the tea will run you about US $77,000. Why would anybody want to drink it? The theory is that pandas really only use about 30 percent of the bamboo they eat, eliminating the rest of the unprocessed bamboo in their fecal matter. It’s believed that, among other nutrients, bamboo contains antioxidants that can prevent cancer, so panda tea is marketed as an anti-cancer tonic and a weight loss aid.

The facility is located in the Sichuan Province, and the owner of Panda Tea, Yanshi An, started his company with 11 tons of dung that he bought from a nearby panda sanctuary.

When I read this story, the first thing I thought was that I am really glad I like plain ol' coffee a lot more than tea! Even if I was a big tea drinker, I couldn't afford any of this stuff, and that is fine by me! I wouldn't drink it even if I could afford it, believe me!

Let's have our coffee out on the patio this morning. It's shaping up to be a nice day, and the sun should feel pretty good!


  1. And have you heard of the world's most expensive coffee?

  2. Hey Gorges...
    I have heard of it, so that's why I specified "plain coffee!"

    I'm just not ready for coffee that comes from an animals' dung!

    Thanks for coming over today!

  3. Phyllis (N/W Jersey)February 22, 2013 at 3:28 AM

    I have lots of chicken poo around here, but I think I'll keep using it for the compost pile! No wonder people lose weight - just the thought of drinking panda poop would curb your appetite!
    Coffee on the patio sounds wonderful.
    I'll bring some strawberry cheese cake for all. More snow tonight - this is a looong Winter....

  4. I have tried some strange stuff but I don't know about that.

  5. Think I will join you for the coffee.

  6. I tell you those Chinese are smart - they will market ANYTHING given the opportunity. Bet they are laughing all the way to the bank if Hollyweird gets a hold of this (if they haven't already).

    Believe I'll pass on this one, I'll just limp along this morning on plain ol' Folgers. Hopefully, the Juan Valdez donkey was far away when the coffee beans were being processed . . . 8^)

  7. Coffee by the woodstove is just fine by me. I'll leave the panda poop for others.

  8. I know I for one would lose weight drinking that tea because I would be puking up everything I ate. Just the thought hits my gag reflex. Good ol' Folgers still sounds the best. Wish I could have coffee outside but I'm snowed in - high snow drifts around the house this morning. Come on Spring!!!! Have a great weekend.

  9. I'm with Linda I'm gagging just thinking about this. Yes they will sell anything and some people will buy anything if they think it will be a miracle weight control.

    I'll be right there for some good friends and hot coffee.

  10. Now I am glad I drink Columbian Supremo dark coffee. I don't think it passed through any living body before I drank it.

  11. Yeah, Linda beat me to what I was going to say! lol! BARF! No way.

  12. Hey Phyllis...
    Please...just keep on composting that stuff! No need to make things worse!

    I'm sure ready for that cheese cake! Love that stuff!

    Thanks for coming over this morning!

    Hey Duke...
    I hear ya on that, buddy! Never made it on my list of things I want to try!

    Thanks so much for coming over this morning!

    Hey JMD...
    You are certainly more than welcome to join us for a cup! Just plain coffee, right?

    Thanks for dropping in today!

    Hey Anon 7:16...
    Great at marketing, that's for sure! Plus so many of them are really into those "old time" medicines and remedies!

    Plain old Folgers is the way to go!

    Thanks for coming by todaqy!

    Hey Sixbears...
    Certainly with ya on that!

    Thanks for the visit, my friend!

    Hey Linda...
    Had the same effect on lots of folks!

    Thanks for dropping by today!

    Hey Jo...
    Welcome to the group of coffee drinkers. May never drink tea again!

    Thanks, sweetie, for coming by this morning!

    Hey Dizzy...
    I certainly hope you are correct about that! I feel the same!

    Thanks, buddy, for the visit this morning!

    Hey Anne...
    Does mean BARF without a doubt! Seems like most of us are on the same page here!

    Thank you for coming over today, my friend!

  13. I like a cup of tea at times but will just stick to cheap tea made from leaves.

  14. Hey Sissy...
    Exactly! About says it all!

    Thanks for coming over!

    Hey BBC...
    Probably the best idea! Take no chances!

    Thanks for dropping by today!

  15. Why not just make tea out of the bamboo before a panda eats it?

  16. Hey Lady Hawthorne...
    That would be the most sensible thing to do, in my opinion.

    Of course, then it wouldn't be as profitable!

    Thanks for coming over today!

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  20. Mister Hermit, sir...I have done my time in food purgatory, so I figure I am entitled to declare "Oh, hell no, not me!"

    I do not eat innards. I do not eat tofu or any of its kin. I do not eat any dish that seems like it was either the result of a dare, a practical joke, the result of an absent mind, or a horrible accident in the kitchen that had to be eaten because there was no grocery store back then and it was eat or starve.

    I now add to that list things that some out of an animal's arse. Should you ever occasion to dine at Casa de Crazy, I can assure you that you needn't fear any of the above on the board.

    Is it spring, yet?

    Shade and Sweetwater,

  21. This makes rhinoceros horn sound delicious.
