Sunday, July 14, 2013

Cartoons For Sunday As Usual...!

Seems like I'm stuck in a rut as far as Sundays go.

At least I usually post something, but it's a lazy way to do it. Guess I'm just getting lazy all around as of late. The main problem with me is that I don't like doing things on other people's schedule, but on mine! Seems like the past few weeks I've been forced to operate on someone else's time. I normally wouldn't mind doing that for a day or two, but it's going on 3 weeks now and I'm ready to get back on "hermit time", ya know?

Now, with all that said...let's get moving with the 'toons!

We haven't had any Popeye in quite a while. At least, not as far as I can remember!

For some reason I love the theme song for Popeye. I don't know why, though. Kinda silly, isn't it?

I guess I'll go and do something productive. Then again, maybe I'll just kick back a little longer and do nothing! After all, it is Sunday!

Coffee out on the patio today. Let's have some peach cobbler!


  1. You picked three good ones for us today, Mr. Hermit! The peach cobble sounds wonderful - I'll be right there!

  2. Sounds like you need to do for yourself instead of someone else. Perhaps today is just the day for it. Peace cobbler sounds yummy.

  3. I hate feeling like I HAVE. to do things I'd rather not.....Love Popeye, he's my fave and peach cobbler mmmmm. Sounds like a good Sunday. morning to me:) Thanks for the invite!

  4. "Lazy"? I think not, doing a regular blog is actual work & taking it easy on Sunday is a natural thing.

  5. Double trouble with the nephews. haha

    Hope your life gets back on Mr. Hermit time soon. At least you still have time for your blog. Lets and relax with that peach cobbler and some good fresh ground coffee I'll be bringing over.

  6. Now why go and mess up a perfectly good Sunday by doing something productive ?

  7. Hey Phyllis...
    Glad you liked the 'toons today!

    Cobbler makes for a good breakfast treat.

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Momlady...
    I think you're right about that!

    many thanks for dropping in today!

    Hey Mamahen...
    Sort of a bad feeling, isn't it?

    Some folks may not even remember Popeye in this day and age!

    I appreciate you coming over today!

    Hey Rob...
    At least blogging is one of my favorite things to do. Go figure!

    Sunday does seem perfect for lazying around, doesn't it?

    Thanks for the visit this morning!

    Hey Jo...
    I'm hoping the same thing, sweetie. I sure could use it!

    Thanks for dropping by today!

    Hey Bob...
    That's kinda what I'm thinking. Day of rest and all...

    Thanks for coming over!
