Monday, July 15, 2013

Ghost Fires For Monday Mystery...!

Thanks to Listverse, I've found some fires that seem to be caused by ghost. Well, by poltergeist actually! We all know that there is a difference, right?

The Flatrock Poltergeist (1954)

Mike Parsons and his family’s ordeal began when his wife found a dictionary smoldering in the wood-box—while all the wood around it remained unburnt. Next, a sack of sugar in the kitchen burst into flames, but the fire went out as soon as Mike touched the sack. Subsequent incidents included a doll spontaneously consumed by fire while it sat in the middle of the floor, a box catching fire and burning a groove in a chest of drawers, and fires erupting in the corners of a bedroom without electricity or a fireplace.

An RCMP investigation ruled out deliberate arson, but failed to find a cause. After a priest visited the house and performed a blessing, the fires stopped. The phenomena have never been explained.

Whether or not you believe in this sort of thing, you have to admit that it makes for an interesting mystery. That's the kind we like, right?

Coffee out on the patio this morning. There was some rain overnight, so it's fairly humid.


  1. How unusual! You find the most interesting stuff. I'm beginning to feel waterlogged.

  2. Years ago there was a show on TV called 'Hauntings'. They told stories just like yours. And yes, it did make you wonder! Going to be very, very hot up here all week. 'Hope the power holds out.

  3. That is very interesting. Some times I feel like a poltergeist lives in my house, as we have had unexplainable noises come from unusual places. Hot and humid here but coffee outside is always a pleasure.

  4. Hmmmm my parents home, an old farm house burned many yrs ago unexplained, and they always felt it was the revenge of an ex-son - in-law. It too started in the corner of an upstairs bedroom that had no. eletric wires in that part of the room. Makes you wonder! Hot and muggy here today as well. Would love to join everyone out in the fresh air.

  5. I remember that show Hauntings I love the show Ghost Hunters The other one with those 3 guys is really stupid.

    Coffee on the patio sounds great as always.

  6. I don't believe in "ghosts," but I DO beleieve in angels and demons. Obviously, it wasn't an angel causing the problem.

  7. When I was a firefighter, I went to a lot of weird calls, but none like that.

    Just as well, as far as I'm concerned.

  8. Hey Momlady...
    Looks like you are going to have to get some water wings! Or maybe a boat!

    Hope the sun comes out for you soon!

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Phyllis...
    I can sympathize with the hot weather! Hot and humid seems to be our daily weather anymore.

    I do hope the power stays on!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Linda...
    Way too many things in this ol' world that have no explanation we can see.

    Outside is always fun, if it's not raining!

    Thanks for dropping by!

    Hey Mamahen...
    I think we all could use some fresh air!

    Unexplained fire is sure scary! You are always waiting for the next one!

    Thanks for the visit this morning!

    Hey Jo...
    Can't help but laugh at the guys that go looking for and challenging the spirits and then jump when they hear a strange noise!

    Thanks, sweetie, for dropping in today!

    Hey Gorges...
    Things like demons are too easy to believe in, especially if you read the good book.

    Some things we just aren't supposed to know, I reckon!

    Thanks for coming over today!

  9. Back when my boys were young and we lived in PA, a broom jumped up and flung itself down the basement steps. I was told that when children go through puberty that strange things can occure.

  10. Hey Dizzy...
    Now that is strange! I haven't heard that about puberty, but I can believe it!

    Thanks for the visit today, buddy!
