Thursday, March 1, 2018

Another Missing Plane Mystery...!

There are so many reports of missing airplanes and crashes, it boggles the mind. In some cases, wreckage or remnebts of the planes are fond, sometimes they aren't.

This is one that remains a mystery to this day.

Flying Tiger Line Flight 739

Photo credit: US Air Force

In 1962, Flying Tiger Line Flight 739, a chartered Lockheed Constellation (example pictured above), disappeared along with more than 90 passengers on its way to the Philippines. The Flying Tiger Line was the United States’ first scheduled cargo airline. On the plane’s journey to the Philippines, there was never a distress call sent out from the pilot. This could have been caused by the plane running into trouble too fast and the crew not having enough time to send out a distress call.

The crew of a ship under the flight path of the Flying Tiger plane reported seeing a light in the sky above them, which they believed was the plane exploding.[7] It was also theorized that the plane may have been hijacked or sabotaged in some way, but once again, there was no evidence found to prove this theory. No matter what happened to this plane, all of those passengers disappeared without a trace, making this another tragic mystery.

It seems to me that not knowing what happened to a loved one would be worse than accepting the loss, and moving on. I think it would be anyway, but that's just my opinion. This article came from the folks over at Listverse.

Coffee out on the patio once again.


  1. Just missing has to be hard on the families.

  2. You would spend the rest of your life wondering if there was a chance your loved one was alive somewhere I would think.

  3. I would rather know they are dead than wonder for the rest of my life what happened to them. I grew up with a neighbor whose brother went "missing in action" during World War II. She always (till the day she died) wondered whether her brother was alive somewhere.

  4. Bummer. Send some sunshine this way, please? I'm feeling waterlogged from all the rain.

  5. Missing loved ones must be a horrible thing for the families.

    Its 32 here again this morning but claim it will warm up to 70 later today.

  6. Hey Rob...
    I do believe you are right.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Mamahen...
    I have to agree. I think knowing is better.
    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Linda...
    Not knowing takes away any chance of closure.
    Thanks for the visit this morning!

    Hey Momlady...
    Want some 80 degree weather to go along with that?
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Jo...
    I agree that the families suffer the most when they don't know either way. Sad!
    Thanks, dear, for dropping by this morning!

  7. Reminds me of our cousin Clifford. That was a real doozy, huh?

  8. Hey Sis...
    Exactly. I remember how much Aunt Tootsie and her family hurt when the notification came that he was missing. Nothing was ever found in his case either.
    Thanks, sis, for coming by today!
