Friday, March 2, 2018

Which One Describes You Best...!

According to an article I found at Did You Know...there are two different kinds of nostalgia. Here is the short version.

There are two different types of nostalgia. Restorative nostalgia is when you feel like things used to be better and you long to relive the past, and reflective nostalgia is when you feel wistful about how different things used to be, but you maintain a sense of amused acceptance. Source 2

So...which kind describes you and your thought process best?

Coffee out on the patio again today.


  1. I think i'm somewhere in lean more toward the first one...The sounds nice...very windy and in the 30s this a.m.


  2. I've no desire to return to the past.

  3. I feel I am somewhere in between. I know I don't want to "go back", but I don't find anything amusing about things are right now. Guess I'll have to really think about this one. Have a great weekend.

  4. I don't want to revisit the past nor do I believe the future holds anything unless people wake up to what's going on.

  5. I'm leaning towards #2, Bubba, but I don't find much amusing about today's climate, except the way so many accept the idiocy as normal. Amusing is grandson Henry, and therein lies hope as well. Did I ever mention how intelligent he is?? :)

    Enjoy the Spring weather before it changes again ~

  6. Hey Mamahen...
    In between seems to be the favorite choice of many. Could be there are 3 choices instead of three?
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Rob...
    Truth be told, neither do I.
    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Linda...
    It does pose a real quandary, doesn't it?
    Thanks for the visit this morning!

    Hey Momlady...
    Asking people to wake up is a lost cause, in my opinion.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Sis...
    I think you may have mentioned it once or twice.
    Thanks for the visit!

  7. I'm also in the middle while I for the most part I wouldn't want to go back, so I guess I will just make the best of the future while I can.

    Patio sounds wonderful. 43 right now but should reach mid 70's later on

  8. I suppose the first for me, since I had such wonderful childhood even though I was plagued with some serious illnesses. Although there has been some deep sorry (loosing a son), I would say I have had a blessed life.

  9. Hey Jo...
    That sounds like a very good idea to me.
    Thanks, dear, for dropping by today!

    Hey Dizzy...
    Overall I have some good memories from the past, but I'm not sure I really want to go back. I only remember the good things, I think.
    Thanks for the visit, my friend!

  10. reflective without any amusement.
    i'm with rob, no wish to return. Bible says that the evil of the day is sufficient thereto.
    plenty of misery in the past. why go back?

  11. Hey Deborah...
    I certainly have no wish to revisit the misery of the past, but I do look forward to any improvement in our future.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

  12. I am usually in the present. The past is gone and we are not sure of the future. I am fond of the German saying though ... "too soon old, too late smart."

  13. Hey Janet...
    I like that saying also, and I feel it applies to me at this point!
    Thanks for dropping in today!
