Tuesday, August 14, 2018

A Crazy Note Mystery...!

One of those cases we will never have the answer to is the apparent murder of one Gunther Stoll. This is a strange one indeed.


Gunther Stoll was found severely injured in his car in the early hours of the morning in 1984. The car was in a ditch on the side of the autobahn. He’d been out drinking the previous night, and the case seemed like nothing more than a simple traffic accident. Unfortunately, he died on the way to hospital before he could give an explanation for the accident. The subsequent examination of Stoll’s injuries led authorities to conclude that he’d been run over before being placed back in his vehicle.

Another puzzle came from a note found beside Stoll. On a scrap of paper, he had written “YOGTZE.” It’s not a word in any language that anyone has been able to find. It may be an acronym or possibly an encryption, but if that’s the case, nobody’s cracked the code. The day before he died, Stoll had declared to his wife, “Now I get it!” before he made the note and left the house.

Two decades later, the death and the note both remain a mystery. People have speculated that it may have been YO6TZE, a Romanian radio call sign. It could also be a reference to the yogurt flavoring TZE (Stoll worked as a food technician). Neither of those ideas, however, give any insight into how Stoll ended up apparently murdered in his own car, and the case remains unsolved.

Makes me wonder what the man was really involved in, ya know? The whole thing is mysterious to me and I'm sure that I'm not the only one that would like an answer to this riddle.

Coffee out on the patio where the mornings have been a lot cooler.


  1. That is very strange.It will give us something to ponder during our visit on the patio:))

  2. Sounds like he was involved in something either illegal, highly profitable, or he just new too much about something. this should lead to a very lively discussion over coffee this morning.

  3. The "now I get it" makes it even more mysterious. I agree with Linda.

  4. Hey Mamahen...
    Always nice to have a good discussion with friends.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Linda...
    Yeah, that's kinda what I'm thinking as well.
    Thanks for coming over this morning!

    Hey Momlady...
    I think you're right about that. Certainly adds to the mystery.
    Thanks for the visit this morning!

  5. I thing he also knew more than he should about something, maybe he was a spy and when they know to much they die and no is ever caught. Yes a good one for coffee on the patio.

  6. Hey Jo...
    I did not consider that option, but it seems a possibility.
    Thanks for dropping in today, dear!

  7. Another good one, Bubba.

    Big hugs ~ and refill my cup, please.

  8. Hey Sis...
    Do you want regular or decaf? I have both, ya know.
    Thanks so much for coming over today!
