Monday, April 8, 2019

The Artistic Mystery...!

Once in a while, we have to divert away from the typical murder mysteries and such to take a look at others in fields such as art. Never considered art as being mysterious? Here is an article from Listverse that may change your mind a tad.

David’s Secret Weapon

Photo via Wikimedia

Controversy surrounds the question of whether Michelangelo’s David was holding a secret weapon, a fustibal, in his excessively large right hand. A fustibal was a sling to hurl stones as far as 180 meters (600 ft).

According to the Bible, David had his sling, five stones, and a shepherd’s staff with him when he fought Goliath. Only the sling is visible in Michelangelo’s sculpture from the early 1500s. But some scholars argue that the straps of the sling connect to an unidentified item in David’s hand, believed to be a handle for the staff which would function like a golf club.

The statue was originally meant to be placed on top of the Florence Cathedral, where the weapon would have been hidden from view. David’s fustibal was visible in other artists’ paintings of the time, which these experts believe influenced Michelangelo’s rendering of his famous sculpture.

However, they think that the staff wasn’t mounted on the handle for political reasons. “A shepherd staff wasn’t fitting with the political meaning of the statue, which became the first public Italian monument,” said art historian Sergio Risaliti. Not all experts agree with this theory, so the mystery of the object in David’s hand remains unsolved.

I reckon we can always find a mystery if we look hard enough. I just honestly never thought of how such a thing of beauty could be part of a mystery, did you ?

Coffee out on the patio again today!


  1. Well, this certainly is something to ponder. Should make for a lively conversation with our morning cuppa:))

  2. Hey Mamahen...
    Sort of a change of pace, isn't it?
    Thanks for stopping by this morning!

  3. I never really gave it much thought when I saw the statue at the NY World's Fair. It was a very impressive piece of art.

  4. People do have some time on their hands... you need time on your hands to argue about a 500 year old statute!

  5. Hey Linda...
    I've only seen it in pictures, never in person.
    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Rob...
    Beats arguing about politics, right?
    Thanks for the visit today!

  6. Well now this is something different to talk about, it is very well hidden. Linda I didn't see this statue at the Fair. Guess it was so large that you had to spend more than one day there.

    Coffee on the patio sounds wonderful.

  7. Hey Jo...
    I can barely see it in the picture, so I imagine it was hard to see in real life.
    Thanks, dear, for dropping by today!

  8. I think it was prototype of those rubber balls that you squeeze to give your hand exercise. . .? ? ?

  9. When I saw the David, Bubba, I was so taken my its beauty that I never noticed anything else in his hand. I'd guess it's one of those 5 stones, myself.

    Thanks for another pondedrable moment.
