Saturday, April 6, 2019

What A Way To Wake Up...!

Sometimes folks can be their own worst enemy, I believe. Take the very act of waking up, for instance.

Before Alarm Clocks, People Nearly Wet Their Beds To Wake Up

There were a lot of ways to wake up before the alarm clock was invented. People living in towns had the chimes of the church bells, and people living on farms had roosters to crow them awake. But not everybody kept it that simple. In some places, people made getting up in the morning a much stranger experience.

Native Americans would make sure they got up early by drinking as much water as physically possible before falling asleep. That way, the water would fill up their bladders while they were sleeping. Pretty soon, they’d be so full that they felt like they were going to burst. So they’d either get up early and get a head start on the day—or else just burst.

In England, it was a bit easier. You could pay a “knocker-upper” to get you up in the morning. Your knocker-upper would come to your house first thing in the morning and bang on your window with a long stick. And if he wanted to make his shilling, he’d keep banging until you got up and shared with him the customary curse words of morning.

Ya know, when I was working I often had trouble getting up. However, since I've been retired, I find myself waking up at the same time every day...even though I could sleep in! I wonder why that is?

Coffee out on the patio this morning!


  1. There was a time I kept the obnoxious alarm clock on the other side of the room, I had to get up and walk over there to stop the noise. These days I usually wake up 6 hours after I went to sleep.
    I'm writing the change off to being older...

  2. Hey Rob...
    That's what I'm thinking as well.
    Thanks for stopping by this morning!

  3. I usually get up about the same time in the morning. Of course, the time change messes that up.

  4. Hey Momlady...
    The time change just messes up a lot of things. My mind, for one.
    Thanks for coming over today!

  5. One nice thing about being retired is you don't need an alarm clock anymore. Anyway, I still have to get up a few times a night to go to the bathroom. Isn't terrible that when you don't have to get up to go to work you still have to get up (grin).

  6. After I wasn't working anymore for years I still got up that early, now not so much. Of course with the sun rising earlier I get up earlier. But then Fred usually gets me up to let him out.
    Been on the go already this morning. To clean up the painting mess from yesterday. But it is defenitly time for coffee now

  7. Isn't that funny, Bubba, how we still get up early, even years after being retired? Persons of habit, I guess, and the fact that I still go to bed about the same time I always did.

    Big hugs, nd save me a cuppa!

  8. Hey Dizzy...
    I can almost count on having to get up at least once during the night. Goes along with getting older, I reckon.
    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Jo...
    Terrible that we stay on a work schedule even after retirement.
    Thanks, dear, for dropping by today!

    Hey Sis...
    Don't know why, but I tend to go to bed at the same time or close to it as well. Creature of habit, I guess.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

  9. I sleep in crazy patterns...sometimes I can only sleep a couple of hrs at a time...sometimes I could sleep around the body is so messed up.

  10. Hey Mamahen...
    I think we all go through a bit of that. I mark mine up to getting older.
    Many thanks for coming over today!

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