Thursday, July 25, 2019

I Want One Of These...!

Can you imagine having a plant growing in your flowerbed that smells like chocolate? I can, and I want one! It says that they grow in Texas, but I've never seen one.

The Chocolate Flower Smells Like (You Guessed It) Chocolate

Photo credit: Wikimedia

Berlandiera lyrata, also known as the chocolate flower, chocolate daisy, and green-eye lyre leaf, is a blooming perennial that grows to 1–2 feet. This daisy-like flower has yellow petals that surround a deep red center. When the petals are plucked, the delicious smell of chocolate is released.

The chocolatey aroma is also present in the leaves and branches of the plant. The chocolate flower grows in dry, rocky soil in Arizona, Texas, Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, and central Mexico. The sweet-smelling plant is most pungent on warm days and blooms year-round.

Just imagine having coffee out on the patio with the smell of chocolate floating all around you. Makes my mouth water just thinking about it.

Coffee out on the patio while the morning is still cool enough to be enjoyable.


  1. Now if you could just find a peanut butter scented flower....?

  2. Oh, do I ever want one of those. Unfortunately is won't grow here in Wisconsin. What joy sitting on the patio sipping coffee and smelling chocolate. Another beautiful cool, dry morning here - great for patio sitting.

  3. My lovely wife is very fond of the chocolate mint she grows. I'm just fond of coffee in general.

  4. I'm going to google this and find out where to get this lovely flower. It sure is pretty and who wouldn't love the smell of chocolate!

    Patio is good it's cooler but the humidity is really high this morning

  5. Hey Bigfoot...
    Boy, am I with you on that idea! Chocolate and PB together...perfect matchup!
    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Linda...
    Don't you just love the weather when it's cool enough to sit outside and drink coffee? I know that I do!
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Sixbears...
    I'm totally with ya on that, buddy!
    Thanks for the visit today!

  6. Hey Jo...
    Low humidity here as well as the cooler weather. Perfect while it last, which won't be long, I'm sure.
    Thanks, sweetie, for coming over today!

  7. Well, that would be wonderful. Unfortunately it wouldn't grow here. I will just be happy with the beauty of the many flowers we do have. Save me a seat, I'm on my way to the patio:))

  8. It says it grows in dry rocky soil... that would keep it out of Houston for sure, lol. Sounds wonderful anyway and is very pretty!
