Friday, July 26, 2019

Now This Is Damn Scary...!

I haven't had a snake crawl up my sewer pipe, but I have had a 'possum in my john before. I did a post about it, I think. That was bad enough, believe me!


Photo credit:

Humans are at our most vulnerable when we are on the toilet. No sooner do you sit down than the telephone rings, the door buzzer goes off, or a snake bites you on the bottom.

Yes, there are places where it is common to find a snake in your toilet. In Australia, one woman spooked a carpet python in her toilet and got several puncture marks on her buttocks.

That snake may have slithered into the toilet to avoid a heat wave, but there are many cases of snakes emerging from sewers via people’s toilets. Often, they are following rats that have also used the loo as an escape route into people’s homes. When the snake gets into the toilet, it may find it a congenial place to rest—until someone takes a seat.

Don’t think it is just the dangerous proverbial Land Down Under where you might get bitten on your down-under. Reports of snakes in toilets have been made everywhere from Texas to Seattle and South Africa to Southend in the UK. Maybe check under the seat the next time you feel the call of nature.

Guess that in some cases, the toilet is like a favorite snake hang-out similar to the local swimming hole so often visited by young people today. With this weather, I can't say I really blame them, ya know?

Coffee out on the patio this morning, before the hot comes back.


  1. That would be a rude awakening...I often stumble into the bathroom in the middle of the night, more asleep than awake,and with very little light. I may need to rethink that habit:))

  2. Good thing I learned to always check before I sit down. Don't think I want something biting me on my bottom.

  3. Hey Mamahen...
    Always a good idea to check and see if you are "alone on the throne", know what I mean?
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Linda...
    I can certainly understand that. Don't need any "bottom biters" in my world either.
    Thanks for coming over today!

  4. I would die instantly, if there is one animal that scares me to death it is snakes. I had them
    I would never return to that house. Believe me there.

    Patio time before the heat is a nice idea. It's only 79 degrees but the humidity is just as high.

  5. I cannot imagine how finding a snake in the toilet would change how I live, I know it would!
    It would be worse if I found out after I sat down....

  6. Many years ago, my aunt felt something slither across her bottom when she was in the old outhouse. She was in her 20's, but came out the door screaming and with her slacks around her ankles, to be laughed at by her entire family who were having a picnic in the back yard.
