Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Can You Please Do Me A Favor...?

I really hate to ask, but I'm going to be away for a couple of days and I wondered if you would water my outside plants for me?

They are mostly begonia's and have a tendency to get very dry. I figure that a little watering about twice a day should be plenty, if you don't mind...

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By the way, I don't know if you'll need it or not but just in case, the ladder is in the shed!

Relax, my friend, I'm just pulling your leg! I'm not going anywhere...and these are NOT my flowers! But there is a lesson in here...

Before you agree to help someone out, be sure you have all the facts! It's only the neighborly thing to do things like watering the plants for your buddies down the street, but you might want to get all the little details first...like is the ladder tall enough?

I think the picture speaks for itself, don't you? Oh, and by the way...if you click on the picture, you will get a better idea of the flowers!

Now, my friends, let's take our coffee to the patio and sit for a while...and don't worry! All my plants are sitting on the ground!


  1. This? Is why I won't make a promise until I am certain I know I can keep it!

    One really should know all the details...or at least, as much as one can know before giving one's words or even accepting a request.

    When asked "Will you do me a favor?" I always reply "Tell me what it is, first."

    Gracious, but that's a lot of flowers! My mind is boggling over how they got them all up there...

    Shade and Sweetwater,

  2. Hey K...
    Makes ya wonder, doesn't it? It's pretty in a weird sort of way!

    I have to agree with you about the favor thing...best to only agree after finding ou the details!

    Hey, thanks for dropping in, Ms. K...

  3. great day unclehermitjim!

    thought you were really leaving!...yes, i do agree about clarifying things first. communication is very important in all relationships. and good communication spells good relationships! the wisdom in your reminder is for keeps...thanks much!

    hmmmmm....happy to have coffee in the patio and admire your plants, before i give a seminar on "communication in the workplace" to my co-workers in the org where i work...

    go gently...

  4. Hey WW...
    Glad to have you drop by for a cup before your work day starts...

    Thanks for the good wishes...and for stopping by today!

  5. Psst...nice try, Jim.

    They're plastic!

  6. G'morn'n
    Good coffee and good company
    is a nice way to start the day.

  7. Not in America is my guess! It is rather pretty,though,as you said wierd.

  8. Looks like coffee with the Hermit is a hit in their country too...their patio is just a little different! lol
    Have a grand day Jim!!!

  9. Good morning Jim, The words I dread are "what are you doing tomorrow". It is rarely an invite over for fresh baked pie, but usually an invite to water flowers!

    Have a good day.

  10. Very good advice my friend. Getting the facts first in all situations is always a good thing to do. Now if only I can remember that.
    I'm ready for my second cup here. A splash of cream - no sugar. Have a great day.

  11. Good neighbors like that sure are handy, espeically if you have critters. No way would we be able to go on vacations (we keep them short, 4 - 5 days at a time) and have to worry about our animals. Good neighbor feeds our dog and chickens while we are out - we return the favor when they are gone.

    Do agree with sentiment about finding out exactly what needs to be done before agreeing to a task. Some hard feelings can result if loss of property occurs because of ignorance on how task is done.

  12. Good Morning my Freind,
    lol Where is this? Italy, Mexico or Spain? They love their flowers. And their patio's or court yard,They are very outdoor people.
    I will get me some coffee and sit here with you for a spell. The humidity is back for a second round of monsoon, so far just humid.

  13. Morning Jim;

    If those flowers are not plastic, and they need water God needs to make it rain.

    Glad you are not leaving yet.

    See Ya

  14. Hey Catman...
    Aww, man...you spoiled my surprise! Still, somebody must have had fun putting them up there!

    Hey, thanks for coming by today...

    Hey Vlad...
    How are you today! Always a pleasure! Sure am glad you could drop by...

    Hey Beth...
    If it was in America, some inspector or HOA creep would hve them taken down. That is, if on of the neighborhood creeps didn't steal them first!

    I appreciate you dropping by today!

    Hey Cath...
    You just never know where we may turn up next!

    They seem to have a lot of friends gathering there as well!

    Hey, thanks for the visit, Cath!

    Hey Kris...
    How true, how true! Have to learn to read between the lines! Or listen between the lines, I guess!

    Glad you could come by today!

    Hey Rae...
    Hard to say no sometimes if you don't know what's coming!

    Thanks for the visit, Rae!

    Hey Anon 6:12...
    Gotta have a good relationship with neighbors so that they can take care of the critters. Don't want to have them do without, especially water, as hot as it's been!

    My next door neighbor always has me bring in his paper and mail when they are gone...but then his wife pays me back with fresh baked cookies! A win-win situation!

    Thanks for the visit!

    Hey JoJo...
    My guess would be Spain, but I don't know that for sure! Beautiful country around there!

    Thanks, sweetie, for coming by!

  15. Hey Tony...
    I'm betting that if they were real, There would be some streaks on the walls from where the water ran down! If not, then like you said, it needs to rain!

    Thanks for coming by today, buddy!

  16. Hee hee, this was funny!

    Thanks for the comments on our blog. I've been truly dreadful at keeping up. I appreciate knowing there's those out there that still care enough to check in. Hope your summer is going great!
