Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Secrets Of The Homestead...!

Just when you think you know your critters pretty well, something pops up to change your mind!

Maybe our animals are smarter than we on the picture and see what I mean!

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Just gotta love those all-too-wise chickens!

Now let's get some coffee and sit on the patio ....before the heat causes the eggs to cook in the nest!


  1. LOL!

    Good morning, Uncle Hermit...
    That was funny.

    I sometimes think that animals are smarter than some humans I've met :D

    Thanks for the coffee, if those eggs start to cook in the nest, I could whip us up some omelets.


  2. Hey Felinae...
    You're right about animals being smarter than some folks...and a lot nicer to be around as well!

    An omelet sounds good right now! Be sure to make enough for the kitties...!

    Thanks for coming by today!

  3. Sneaky chicken, hehehehehe. Henrietta must be related to that old rooster who baited a race around the house (with 10 second head start) with the younger rooster to see who stays and who goes. :^)

  4. G'morn'n all.
    Coffee smells good.
    Bo, my son John's horse, is a deadpan comic. He stands on the other side of the trough and holds it with one foot so you can't move it. He did not seem fearful when I threatened to kick his 1200 lb ass if he does that again.

  5. hahaha, that's funny!
    Have a great day, Jim!

  6. Good morning Jim;

    Always look forward to your post.


    See Ya

  7. Hahaha....too funny. Thanks for the laugh!

  8. We were just talking last night about getting some chickens. Hope we get one that smart! Long walk to town from here for her though - she would have to end up as a stewing hen!

  9. G'mornin', Mister Hermit, Sir.

    Cute cartoon - I've only seen the last two panels before.

    I liked having chickens...they were almost pets, had names and everything...which didn't stop us eating them, but that's life on a farm.

    I could use a cuppa joe this morning...thanks...

    Cheers for the laugh, too.

    Shade and Sweetwater,

  10. Hey Anon 5:03...
    Could be related at that! Sometimes animals are smarter than we give them credit for!

    Thanks for coming by today...!

    Hey Vlad...
    He probably sees in your eye that you don't mean it...eitherr that or he feels that he can outrun you if you start after him!

    He would probably grin at ya if he could!

    Thanks for the visit, Vlad!

    Hey Cath...
    Glad you got a kick out of it! I thought it was pretty good!

    Thanks for coming by and you have a good day...!

    Hey Tony...
    Thanks for the kind words, buddy! I always look forward to your visit as well!

    Auction time is nearly here, huh?

    Hey Catman...
    My pleasure, Catman! Always enjoy making folks laugh a bit!

    Glad you could come by today, buddy!

    Hey 2Tramps...
    Well, here's hoping the one's you get are smart enough to come up with the eggs from somewhere!

    Thanks so much for the visit, my friend!

  11. Hey K...
    Chickens are indeed a lot of fun to watch! My cousin used to have names for all her animals and most of them came when called! But, like you said, she still did what she had to do when it came to putting food on the table!

    Thanks, K, for taking the time to visit!

  12. Morning HJ,
    That's a funny one. Thanks for brightening up my morning. I hope the rest of your day goes by as nice as the morning.

  13. Hey YOF...
    Glad I could brighten your day a bit, my friend!

    Guess I fall into the category of one of those blogs that Dean in AZ hates so much! The way I look at it though, is that if I can make at least one person smile in a day, that's a good thing!

    Hey, thanks for coming by, Jesse!

  14. ...just goes to show,it is not that which is 'known',but what is 'perceived',that influences most decisions...sadly

    ...good comic

  15. Is that a Jack Vaughn cartoon? I loved his work when he was with the old men (in younger years) & assumed he had given up cartooning. Too cute.

  16. Hey Ken...
    I remember in a movie once the bad guy was saying to the hero " Power perceived is power achieved "!

    Always thought that was a good saying!

  17. Hey Stephanied...
    I don't know the artist as it was sent to me in an email with no credits! Hope someone doesn't get mad at me for posting it!

    Thanks for coming by, lady!

  18. Good afternoon,my Special Friend that was funny, good for a laugh. Closed on the house this morning, go back and get the rest done tomorrow.
    Since it is already hot how about some ice coffee instead.

  19. Hey JoJo...
    Great news on the closing! Does that mean a new camper is in your future?

    I'll have to pass on the iced coffee...never liked cold coffee!

    How about some sweet iced tea instead?

    Thanks for checking in with me, sweetie!

  20. Iced tea works too not to sweet. I just called on the class b someone put money on her already. Oh well have to wait for the next one I guess. That was a great deal too.

  21. Hey JoJo...
    Sorry you got beat out on the class B , but another might be around soon.

    One more glass of iced tea coming up!

  22. Oh my gosh you made me choke on my chips!! lol

    We have a motto on the lay you stay...hmm no hens named Henrietta but hmmm

    New Mexico prepper!

  23. Hey Jennifer...
    Glad you could come by! I don't know if the animals understand our rules or not...but if the cows start showing up ground beef, I guess we'll know!

    Ya know, that might not be so bad at that!

    Hey, thanks for coming by today, Jennifer!
