Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Want A Nice Cold "Onion" Soda...?

The name in the title is no joke. There is actually such a thing, if you really want to try it!

With summer coming on, I know many of us will be wanting something cold to sip on. There are some crazy soft drinks out there, believe me, and this has to be one of the strangest!


You know those hot summer days when the only thing you can think about is getting your hands on a nice crunchy onion and just going to town? No, you don’t because you are a sane human being. You are also not in the target market for South Korea’s onion soda.

Produced by Tamla Village Company, Ltd., this fizzy, sulfurous abomination is basically concentrated and carbonated essence of onion. If you can successfully wrestle the can past your nose, the drink is supposed to have amazing health benefits. The drink is believed to reduce cholesterol, clean the blood, and prevent cancer, so it’s no wonder the beverage’s tear-jerking aroma is tolerated.

Of course, it’s anyone’s guess as to whether any of these claims are actually true or just a combination of cultural superstition and clever marketing. Personally, if it means never having to put the foul liquid anywhere near my mouth, I’ll take their word for it.

I think I'll pass on this particular flavor and stick with my Pepsi. Maybe a little sweet tea, ya know? No Onion soda for me...thanks!

Coffee in the kitchen this morning. Rain is back again...with a vengeance!


Chickenmom said...

Onions belong in a frying pan - not a soda can!

HermitJim said...

Hey Phyllis...
I couldn't agree with you more!
Thanks for stopping by today!

JO said...

No thanks! I like my onions but not like that. I'll stick with my lemon, cucumber water it's nice a fresh and it supposed to cleanse you too. I don't know if it does but it sure is refreshing.

Kitchen is fine by me.

Dizzy-Dick said...

I would like to try it, since I love onions. Who knows, it may be good.

HermitJim said...

Hey Jo...
Lemon cucumber water? That's a new one for me to try out!
Thanks for dropping by today!

Hey Dizzy...
I'll leave the taste test up to you and trust your judgement!
Thanks for coming over this morning!