Friday, August 24, 2018

Radium Girls For Freaky Friday...!

Before we knew about some of the dangers of modern devices, like glowing clock facings and watches, we certainly made some colossal mistakes.

Radium Nail Varnish

Photo credit: Messy Nessy Chic

During the early years of the 20th century, radium was used, among many other things, to make a luminous paint that was used to make watch faces visible in the dark. The women who were most exposed to this chemical became known as Radium Girls, and they were the unwitting victims of so-called “modern” progress.

From 1917 to 1926, women were recruited to work in factories that produced watch faces decorated with this radioactive substance. Since the girls were told that it was completely harmless, they decided to have fun with the glowing paint, using it as a nail varnish and a lipstick.

Unfortunately, after a few years, the women started suffering from a host of medical problems, such as bone fractures and anemia. It was eventually discovered that they had radium poisoning, but not before one poor worker visited her dentist to get a tooth extracted and ended up with a chunk of her jaw accidentally being removed.

The scariest part of this whole thing is that I can still remember some of these watches. In fact, I may have worn some back in the day.

Coffee out on the patio again this morning!


Momlady said...


linda m said...

That really is scary. We had one of those clocks in our kitchen when I was growing up. Maybe that's why I am getting forgetful in my old age. Haha Have a great weekend.

Barney, The Old Fat Man said...

I had a couple of the clocks and at least two of the watches that glowed.

HermitJim said...

Hey Momlady...
That about says it all.
Thanks for stopping by today!

Hey Linda...
Guess that's always a possibility. Gotta blame it on something, right? LOL
Thanks for coming over this morning!

Hey Barney...
I was about the same. No long lasting damage as far as I can tell!
Thanks for the visit today!

Dizzy-Dick said...

Yep, had them back years ago. Dang, I got old anyway (grin).

JO said...

Oh great another thing to worry about. I don't think I had the watch but I'm sure we had the clocks even into my adult hood. Oh well guess just have to live with what ever damage it may have done to my bones.

Patio sound great

Ashley Nicole King said...

My 6th grade science project relied on having a watch that had radium paint. I'm guessing that the book I got the information from was older than I realized. Old enough, in fact, that it didn't mention radium specifically, it just mentioned a "watch with a glowing face". Ah, the "good ol' days".