In a time when many folks are trying to downsize a bit, this guy has taken that move to a whole new level!
Making do in this much space makes the small houses, like the Tumbleweed, look like a mansion! It never fails to amaze me just how creative some folks can be when they work at it!

Man makes home in 14-foot rowboat
Published: April 25, 2011 at 3:50 PMSEATTLE, April 25 (UPI) -- A Seattle man has created a home for himself in a 14-foot boat anchored under a highway bridge near the University of Washington campus.
William Kaphaem has rigged the boat with a tarpaulin for shelter, The Seattle Times reported. He has a Coleman lantern and stove and even a battery-powered radio.
Kaphaem, 51, who uses the name Three Stars, told the Times he previously had rented a room from an elderly couple. They died last year, and he needed low-cost housing.
"I've got a lot of stuff. I didn't want to schlep it around town like some tramp," he said. "I've got more dignity than that."
Living in the rowboat allows him to survive on a monthly disability check of less than $700. He has a range of fishing rods and gets much of his food that way.
During the summer, he rows to the Sammamish River, which drains into the north end of Lake Washington. He lists the wildlife he can see there: "Beavers, muskrats, wood ducks, eagles -- lots of eagles -- blue herons, green herons, mallards, Canada geese, cormorants, kingfishers, raccoons, coyotes, now and then."
© 2011 United Press International, Inc.
I love the fact that this gentleman is making do with so little! But you know what? If he's happy with the arrangement who am I to argue? After all, that's what it's all life the way you want!
More power to him, I say!
Let's get some fresh coffee and sit outside! Hoping against hope for some rain pretty soon!
Well, Hermit, I can't link ALL your posts, so I guess I'll just say, "More power to him!"
Makes my 19 foot sailboat look like a mansion. Doesn't look like too crazy a way to live to me. Then again, maybe I'm crazy too!
Yep, thats pretty impressive. He's broken down his needs to the basics and he sounds really happy - I agree, more power to him!
First thing I thought of was this song.
I too say, 'more power to him' he's living life just the way he sees fit. I hope he stays safe.
Unlike Ben, the first song that popped into my mind was "row, row, row your boat". Used to sing it as a round when we were kids. I'll bet it is his and his dogs favorite song.
Hey Gorges...
Always nice to read about someone who is getting by without giving in!
Seems to be doing alright as he is!
That's for coming by today, my friend!
Hey SixBears...
If he had your boat, he wouldn't know what to do with the extra room!
I think we could all get by with a lot less than we think, ya know?
I sure do thank you for the visit today!
Hey Anon 7:22...
Sometimes I think that getting it broken down to the basics would do all of us some good...once in a while!
Heck, this guy probably won't even notice when TEOTWAWKI comes!
Guess life is as simple as you make it!
Thanks for the visit today!
Hey Ben...
Someone could probably write a song about this guy, for sure!
Thanks, buddy, for dropping in today!
Hey Sharon...
Making the best of what we have, and living free! Sounds like pretty sound advice to me!
Good to see you again, my friend, and thanks for coming over!
Hey Dizzy...
Does sort of fit the circumstances, doesn't it?
Good way to get your exercise and stay healthy!
I appreciate you coming by today, sir!
I wish him the best. Like the others as long as he is happy then all the power to him.
Internet not very good this morning.
Is there any coffee left this morning?
Hey JoJo...
I always have some fresh coffee for you, sweetie!
Sorry to hear that your internet isn't doing well today! Hope it gets better soon!
How is the knee? It should be doing good enough to let you take a little field trip!
Hey, thanks for coming by today!
Good for him. Beats the heck out of being homeless on a city street. Now that he has made the news you can bet some politician will try to move him into a homeless shelter somewhere.
Hey Bob...
Yep...someone will think he needs to be moved "for his own good"! That seems to be the way it works!
I say, just leave the guy alone if he is happy!
Thanks for coming by today!
Well, it wouldn't be my choice, but at least he enjoys wildlife!
That would work for me! I ain't too picky...
HermitJim, while I applaud this gentleman's lifestyle and making do, it makes me wonder if he would rather live elsewhere. Still, he's obviously one of those folks who makes lemonade when handed lemons. Also enjoyed the previous post about Bass Reeves - who knew?
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