Sometimes I think that the best of intentions can end in disaster for some folks!
Many folks don't do any proof-reading, or have someone else proof-read any articles that they write! These same folks probably need to go back to school and see if they can take a few classes in "common sense!"

Note To All Hunters: This is from a San Francisco newspaper !
Folks, just remember as you read this, this person probably drives & votes... AND, may have already reproduced. God help America .
And I bet he belongs to the ACLU, too!

This is very funny and very scary at the same time! Surely these people don't believe for a minute that meat is made in the store, right?
On second thought, watching some of the people that shop in my neighborhood, I might just be wrong!
My baby Sis sent this to me and I figured it was worth stealing...I mean, sharing!
Now, my friends, let's get some fresh coffee and go to the patio. BTW, no animals were injured in the posting of this piece!
Hey, at least he doesn't demand that we be vegetarian!
Good Gawd!!! And to think this idiot is most likely loose on the highway in a car also!!
As Foghorn Leghorn once opined, "Thet boy is so dumb, he thinks a pig pen is something you write with".
It's funny, but people really have gotten that disconnected from where their food comes from.
Always glad to help out in any way possible - especially with the crazies!
Big hugs -
OMG!! Are people that disconnected that they actually believe meat is made in the store? Heaven help us!!!! This is truly scary; but it does explain a lot of the behavior I see in people today. Thanks for "sharing".
I was at the store and 3 college age ladies were shopping for eggs. I said "You do know those come from the south end of a north bound chicken." One of the girls put the eggs back and said "I'm never eating eggs again!" I did manage to keep a straight face long enough to go down another isle.
Do you mean my seeds for hamburger trees will not grow hamburgers, shucks and I got the beds all ready for the rib eye bushes. Next I suppose you are gonna tell me that egg plants seeds will not grow me any chickens.
Hey Gorges...
I guess that is a good thing alright!
Some folks are just so out of touch with reality!
Thanks, my friend, for the visit today!
Hey Ben...
That's pretty frightening, isn't it?
I think that most of them live in the greater Houston area!
Thanks, buddy, for coming by this morning!
Hey Anon 6:12...
I haven't thought of ol' Foghorn Legghorn in a long time! I did see him on a commercial, come to think about it!
Many thanks for dropping in today!
Hey Sixbears...
Maybe they really never connected the cows and food together! I find it hard to believe, but I guess I shouldn't be surprised!
Getting to be a scary world!
I do thank you for coming over today!
Hey Sis...
Reckon we have some of these folks in our family?
More than likely!
Thanks for the article...and the visit!
Hey Linda...
Makes you wonder just what they are teaching in the schools...and at home!
Sounds to me like a good dose of "farm living" would do a LOT of good!
I appreciate you coming by today!
Hey JP...
You probably just ruined their day!
About time somebody tried to teach them the facts of life concerning food!
I feel we are in big trouble!
Thanks for the visit today!
Hey Bob...
I know, I know...but someone had to tell you! The eggplant seeds are for Eggs!
Hey, thanks for coming by today!
This is so sad to think someone is so stupid or did they post it as a joke.(I hope so). I did hear about this somewhere I think it was a comedian. Mind doesn't work so well any more.
But as long as I know where to get my coffee I am still OK right.
I can still remember a situation I got myself into a long time ago. I was at some peoples place with my older brother and some kids were eating hamburbers. Well for some unknown reason, I decided to ask one of the kids where hamburger comes from. He did'nt know, so I told him, it comes from cows. His mother got pretty upset with me, and said, "I thought you were going to say something intelligent". Well I don't have any kids, but I seriously don't understand how the hell they,re supposed to learn anything in life if everything you tell them is a lie. To this day I still think about this situation from time to time. No wonder people turn to hermitism later in life. Maybe I was in the wrong, but I still don't think so. There is a Santa, and there is an Easter bunny, and gosh darn it, hamburger comes for cows.
I wonder if the author of that add would make good ground meat. Nah, he would probably taste like soy. . .
Hey Dizzy-Dick, I will correct myself. I guess SOME hamburger comes for cows.
Hey JoJo...
Knowing that this came from California, I don't think they were joking! Guess some people really don't have a clue!
Don't worry about the memory, sweetie! Mine gets a little worse every day!
I really appreciate you coming by today!
Hey hermit...
This just proves that sometimes country kids might have the upper hand over city raised kids!
The parents are really doing a disservice to their children by not teaching them the basic facts of life!
But then, maybe the parents don't know either!
Thanks, buddy, for dropping by today!
Hey DD...
I'm afraid you are probably right about that!
I know I wouldn't want to take a chance and find out!
Thanks, Dizzy, for coming by today!
The sad thing is I believe it! Long long ago I used to spend quite a bit of time on the coast south of San Francisco. A fellow had a trailer parked in a field next to the road, and he had a sign up that said FARM ANIMALS. He had a cow, a pony, a hog, and a few chickens; maybe a few other things. On a nice weekend people would come streaming out of the city for a drive, and there was always a crowd around the farmer’s field. People would stop to show their children what the animals really looked like, smelled like, and felt like. Some of those kids really thought milk and eggs came in cartons, and meat came wrapped in cellophane. Completely out of touch with the real world. Those kids are adults now, and yes, they vote!
Hey Bob...
Probably the only chance that some of these kids ever had to see real "farm animals" and that's good!
Good that they finally got the chance anyway!
Many kids miss out on so much now days! I always had a great time at my Uncle Bill's place in the country!
Thanks, my friend, for coming by today!
Just wonderful :-) :-) :-) I can´t stop laughing :-) :-) :-)
Have a great day!
Hey Christer...
Can't help but find it funny my self!
I wonder how some of these folks got to be the age they are! WOW!
Thanks, my friend, for coming by today!
Hey HJ, my Uncle Bill had a farm, also. Used to spend vacations there when I was a kid leaning to mild cows, etc. Milking was cleaner than the "etc".
I'd like to think it was a joke, but sadly it is probably not.
When I was working at a school where we lived prior to where we are now...some of those kids had no clue as to what a real cow looked like, they'd only seen them in books.
I guess I really should thank my Dad for all those back road Sunday drives in the country. He would take the time to point out all the different animals and crops that were being grown. He would also take us to the county fair every year and we'd go through the livestock barns. We also had relatives that had farm animals, but still, if not...I may have turned out like that poor person that made that statement.
I made sure that Brittany was brought up like my Brother and I. She has chosen to be vegetarian, but she definitely knows where meat comes from and how it gets to the store.
Sorry for the long comment. :)
Have a good day, Uncle Hermit.
Thanks HJ for the good laugh today.
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