I don't know why the folks at Time magazine can't get it right!
You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out what's wrong with this picture, but I would think that the editor might have been a little more familiar with livestock than he/she obviously is!
Makes you wonder if the same process is applied to the reporting of the news stories they run. It might just be that a little more grade school education, complete with pictures of farm animals, should be called for!
See if you don't agree!
Yet again, the East Coasties get Texas way wrong
Local lawyer Andrew M. Williams made an interesting find in the August 22 issue of Time magazine.
He looked at a photo of the Texas drought, and then he read the photo caption.

He noticed the same thing you are about to notice. Or, as he put it, “No matter how late they were sold, they would not have developed into cattle.”
Let's face it, folks! If a lawyer can spot the problem, then Time should have also!
If you click on the picture, you can read the caption of the picture and see the livestock in question!
I'm afraid that not a lot more needs to be said here, ya think? Better a "Redneck" than a "Dumb ass!" That's my thinking anyway!
How about we get some fresh coffee and sit outside for a while! OK by you?
ok, I may missing something but them sure don't look like cows.... ;)
Hey Kellie...
Does make you worry a bit about how they see their animals, doesn't it?
Glad we can at least tell the difference!
Thanks for coming by this morning!
My sister used to work for a newspaper. I remember hearing, "The reporters are bad enough, but it takes an editor to REALLY screw things up!"
Hey Gorges...
I think that about says it all!
Some mistakes can really put the whole mag in a bad light, I think!
Everyone knows it's just a silly mistake, but it still is a bad reflection.
Hey, thanks for coming by today!
Must be Texas no horns.My cow says baaa..
Glad I don't read Time. I might get confused.
Bubba -
I really could not believe my eyes, so I pulled the copy from my office lobby - sure 'nuff, they're called sheep and goats in my part of Texas! But the article is true - the drought is doing us all in. What does that bode for the winter to come? Was this predicted in the Old Farmer's? What does it say about winter? Let us know what we're in for, o-guardian-of-the-trusty almanac. Although I'm not sure I really want to know....
Gotta go see if I can find me a rooster I can milk for some breakfast cackleberries, ha-ha!
Big hugs -
Isn't that what Austrailian cows look like??
Tis a sad day when a person can't tell the difference between a sheep and a cow. Oh what ever happened to our kids learning something in school. Hahahaha , LOL!! Guess I'll have to visit Texas and check out these new "sheepows". :)
May it was to much cross breeding. lol I couldn't read the what it said but I got the idea. Must have had a rough night before he edited this one.
I really would not be surprised if some city folk didn't know the difference between a sheep or cow because people have gotten so far removed from what they eat. I bet some people couldn't even pick out certain vegetable varieties either.
Maybe that is just some cows that have been eating that genetic modified corn.
Hey China...
If nothing else, it was good for a laugh to go with the morning coffee!
Man, gotta take our grins where we can!
Thanks, buddy, for the visit!
Hey Momlady...
I'll bet that many more will be wishing that they didn't read Time after this!
The scary part is how many folks probably didn't catch it!
Man, are we in trouble! Thanks for coming by today!
Hey Sis...
I have to wonder just how this managed to get by! The editor must have been from New York or something!
Glad you could come by today, Sis!
Hey DD...
Could be, could be! I've never been to Australia, but I reckon they have cows pretty much like ours!
A big hint should have been when they didn't go "moo!"
Thanks, my friend, for coming by this morning!
Hey Linda...
Yeah, come on down for a visit! Just never know what you might find!
In this day and age, you just can't tell!
I sure appreciate you coming over this morning!
Hey JoJo...
Rough night indeed! Sounds like he may still be celebrating!
Thanks, sweetie, for coming over!
Hey Anne...
I guess that you have a good point! I can't believe how many younger folks have never given thought of even simple things, like eggs!
If they had to work for a short time around a farm, maybe they would appreciate things a little more!
Thanks, girl, for coming by today!
Hey Bob...
I wondered about that as well! Makes you stop and think!
Thanks for dropping in today!
After listening to a local report interview a professor Hubby and I took a class from that advised the National Security Counsel it doesn't surprise me at all. I don't know how the man kept a straight face.
Meant to comment on ur blog from a few days ago, about ur lites, tv doing strange things. My sis, Ns, does that too. And the watering bowl for dog and cat moves out to the middle of the floor sometimes. Not the cat, we don't think, because nothing spills. She gets freaked out. But, she loves her "ghosts".
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