Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Here Comes The Judge...!

I don't suppose that many figures in the history of early Texas are as well known as Judge Roy Bean.

Often his larger than life antics merely added fuel to the fire, assuring his name in the history books as one of the more colorful figures in the old west! From the pages of, here is a brief recap of the "Law West of the Pecos!"

Mar 16, 1903:
Judge Roy Bean dies

Roy Bean, the self-proclaimed "law west of the Pecos," dies in Langtry, Texas.

A saloon keeper and adventurer, Bean's claim to fame rested on the often humorous and sometimes-bizarre rulings he meted out as a justice of the peace in western Texas during the late 19th century. By then, Bean was in his 50s and had already lived a life full of rough adventures.

Born in Kentucky some time during the 1820s, Bean began getting into trouble at an early age. He left home in 1847 with his brother Sam and lived a rogue's life in Mexico until he shot a man in a barroom fight and had to flee. He next turned up in San Diego, where he enjoyed playing the dashing caballero. Again he shot a man during a quarrel and was forced to leave town quickly. He fell into the same old habits in Los Angeles, eventually killing a Mexican officer in a duel over a woman. Angry friends of the officer hanged Bean in revenge, but luckily, the rope stretched and Bean managed to stay alive until the woman he had fought for arrived to cut him down. Bearing rope scars on his neck that remained throughout his life, Bean left California to take up a less risky life in New Mexico and Texas.

For about 16 years, Bean lived a prosperous and relatively legitimate life as a San Antonio businessman. In 1882, he moved to southwest Texas, where he built his famous saloon, the Jersey Lilly, and founded the hamlet of Langtry. Saloon and town alike were named for the famous English actress, Lillie Langtry. Bean had never met Langtry, but he had developed an abiding affection for the beautiful actress after seeing a drawing of her in an illustrated magazine. For the rest of his life, he avidly followed Langtry's career in theatre magazines.

Before founding Langtry, Bean had also secured an appointment as a justice of the peace and notary public. He knew little about the law or proper court procedures, but residents appreciated and largely accepted his common sense verdicts in the sparsely populated country of West Texas.

Bean was often deliberately humorous or bizarre in his rulings, once fining a dead man $40 for carrying a concealed weapon. He threatened one lawyer with hanging for using profane language when the hapless man referred to the "habeas corpus" of his client. Less amusing was Bean's decision to free a man accused of killing a Chinese rail worker on the grounds that Bean knew of no law making it a crime "to kill a Chinaman."

By the 1890s, reports of Bean's curmudgeonly rulings had made him nationally famous. Travelers on the train passing through Langtry often made a point of stopping to visit the ramshackle saloon, where a sign proudly proclaimed Bean to be the "Law West of the Pecos."

Bean fell ill during a visit to San Antonio. He returned to Langtry, where he died on March 16, 1903. Lillie Langtry, the object of Bean's devoted adoration, visited the village named in her honor only 10 months after Bean died.

Like many of the names from the early days of the Texas frontier, Judge Roy Bean can be considered one more reason we refer to the "Wild West!" For better or worse, he certainly made his mark!

Coffee out on the patio this morning. How about some apple turn overs?


Phyllis (N/W Jersey) said...

Hubby just loves "Western Wednesday"!
Thanks for posting!
Apple turnovers? ... be right there!

Sixbears said...

I guess any law is better than no law. Apple turn overs sound good this morning.

JO said...

Did you watch the movie yesterday?
Of course in the movie he met Langtry and then died at her feet.

Apple turn overs? OH I am on my way.

linda m said...

He was a colorful character. Not really knowing the law and being a judge kinda sounds like some of our judges today. Coffee outside sounds good.

HermitJim said...

Hey Phyllis...
I'm sure glad that he enjoys the tales from the old west!

Thanks to the both of you for coming over today!

Hey Sixbears...
At least he made an effort to be legit! Many now days don't even bother!

Thanks for dropping by today!

Hey Jo...
Didn't watch the movie, but I've seen several versions of it. I can remember one starring Paul Newman!

Thanks, sweetie, for coming over today!

Hey Linda...
Does sort of ring a bell, doesn't it?

At least outside it is cool, but not cold like at your place!

I appreciate you coming over this morning.

Syrbal/Labrys said... turnovers. I am allergic to apples, tho' I love them. And now, I am craving out bi-monthly bookstore night, because said bookstore cafe has a cheesecake with apples and a crunchy topping mixed into it! Yes, I may just have to live a wee bit dangerously....tho' not as dangerous as old Roy.

HermitJim said...

Hey Syrbak...
I do love me some good ol' cheesecake! I don't care what kind it is, I really like it!

Sorry to hear you are allergic to apples, but it might be worth living dangerously just this once!

Thanks for coming over today!