About a month ago or so, one of my "roomies" didn't come home!
I wasn't worried much, as he had done this before...staying away from home for about a week! That's just one of those things you deal with when you have male cats and they still have an interest in the ladies!
I know, I know! I should have had them fixed, but I didn't! Just couldn't bring myself to do it!
I got my friends when they were very small. I started to take just one of them, but couldn't see separating these two brothers from one another at such an early age! So, the three of us became close friends.
They would get up on my desk while I worked on the computer and hang around, usually just napping in the background! Here in this picture, you can see one of their favorite places!

Some times, when Smokey thought it was time to eat (which was pretty regularly!) he would come around from the back of the monitor and sit in front of me, giving me dirty looks until I caved in and fed him and his brother! That evil eye could make you fearful if you could get passed the humor in it!

I guess I put off writing about his being gone, thinking that he would just pop his head in the door one day acting like nothing was wrong! Doesn't look like that is going to happen! C.B., who is Smokey's brother, meows every day while looking in all the places where the two of them used to hang. Sometimes, he looks at me like he is asking me to find him! Sorta breaks your heart, ya know?
Guess I need to get C.B. a new brother to keep him company...maybe I could score one for a Christmas present! And YES, I give my cat(s) small tokens of friendship for the holidays! After all, my kids are all gone and it is only me and the "roomie(s)"!Haven't taken to putting up a stocking for them, but they/he doesn't mind that!
Anyway, this will be sort of a farewell post for Smokey! This picture is how I will always remember him! Beautiful cat, funny to watch, great to love on and get hugged by, and just an all around good room mate!
Raising my coffee cup to ya, my furry friend, no matter where you may be! I hope that you are happy and well!

Now, on a happier note...let's get some fresh coffee and sit in the kitchen for a bit! Maybe that will bring back the smile!