Saturday, May 11, 2019

Strange Salamander...!

We already know that nature can create some wickedly strange critters, but here is one that I thought you might like to read about.

ET Salamander

So far this newly discovered salamander species doesn’t have a name, but it’s been dubbed the “ET salamander” because of its resemblance to ET the Extraterrestrial from the 1982 film. Found in the rainforests of Ecuador, this salamander has one truly incredible adaptation—it has no lungs. Rather, it “breathes” through its skin, absorbing oxygen from the air around it. The researchers at Conservation International described it as “remarkably ugly,” which is definitely an apt description of the tiny amphibian.

So far, we still don’t know much about the salamander, and more expeditions are being planned to explore the unique biosphere of the Ecuadorian rainforest.

This planet is filled with so many strange critters (humans included), we could never know them all.

Coffee inside again due to the rain and hail possibilities.


Rob said...

No lungs? ok, that is different!

HermitJim said...

Hey Rob...
Certainly is a bit unusual.
Thanks for stopping by today!

JO said...

Poor little guy, being called ugly. He isnt pretty but hey. Yes nature sure has many creatures out there wish they would leave them alone.

You sure are getting some crazy weather out your way. Is that normal for this time of year.

Mamahen said...

No lungs...if only humans could get "breath" that way:))

Dizzy-Dick said...

There are other creatures that breathe that way, like the earthworm, for instance.