There are times when I really have to wonder about my fellow man!
I like a great view as much as the next guy...but there are limits as to what I will do to enjoy one! If you ask me, these guys have taken one too many falls on their heads!
Of course, this is only my opinion. Why don't you take a look at these pictures and see if you agree?

I don't think I would be very comfortable even walking here...and I know that I DAMN sure wouldn't be trying to do a wheelie on my bicycle! In fact, I'm pretty sure that a bicycle is one of the last things I would even consider bringing with me on this jaunt!

All you have to do to get a feel for just how nuts these folks are, is to look out over the edge of where they are riding. You have to wonder...don't they have roads where they live? How about bike trails? I would think that somewhere close to their home is a place that is a lot more level, and a heck of a lot safer!

Now, I'm no expert on these things...but I'd be willing to bet that as slow and as hard as the trip up must have been, the trip down this little hill is going to be a lot easier and faster. A LOT FASTER !!

I have just a couple of suggestions for these guys. First of all, DON'T DO IT !
Second suggestion ? Leave the bike helmets at home BRING A PARACHUTE INSTEAD...!
Now, my friends, my suggestion for us? Let's get some fresh coffee and sit outside for a bit! Suddenly the flat land around here looks pretty good!
OMG! I got the fright butterflies, my hands started sweating, and I almost lost my breath just looking at these pictures. Where in the world were they taken I wonder. Not only are the bike riders kinda about the camera man?
I'll join you for a cup of coffee and enjoy the FLAT land, the kind WE were made to be on.
Yikes! Maybe there are parachutes in the backpacks. Couldn't get me to do that for all the money in the world (not that it's worth much now anyway).
Coffee on my porch....yep.
Hey Fred and Wilma...
I don't know about you, but I don't want any part of this ride! I'm glad to have my feet on the ground!
Thanks for coming by today!
Hey Momlady...
This is NOT something you would want to do half asleep or hungover!
In fact, parachute or not, I don't want to do it at all!
Makes me dizzy just thinking about it!
Hey, thanks for coming by today!
Good Morning My Special One,
OMG is right, what makes some people take such risks with their lives. That is crazy.
sitting on the patio with sane people sounds great to me.
Hey JoJo...
What some people won't do for excitement! It's just too damn crazy for me, that's for sure!
I agree! I think it's a lot safer and more SANE here on the patio!
Hey, thanks, sweetie, for the visit today!
It gives me the cold sweats just looking at them. Some people are just idiots.
Hey Rae...
Does make you wonder about these folks, doesn't it?
Wonder if these guys are planning to be politicians, or what? Seems to me that they have the brain suited for that kind of job!
Thanks, Rae, for dropping by today!
Yep, those guys are NUTS!! I bet the only reason they do it is so they can heard the wind blow through the holes in their heads :-)
Hey Ben...
Looking at these pictures, I have to wonder just what was the reason for the helmets anyway!
I don't think that helmets are going to protect them very much if they take a spill! Just my opinion, of course!
Hey, buddy, thanks for coming by today!
Thanks for scaring me!!!
Makes you wonder who built that trail doesn't it, and how?
Hey Scout...
It is pretty scary, isn't it? Better them than me ...riding a bike up there!
I sure do appreciate you coming by today!
Hey Bob...
Yep, not only who and how...but WHY? I wonder if someone really needed to get someplace so badly that they just had to have that trail?
What ever they got paid, it wasn't enough!
Thanks for the visit today!
Okay, all I can say is WHY? These guys must be nuttier than a squirrels nest, and I'll leave them to it, I think!
I love the occasional experience that has the adrenaline pumping a tiny bit ... makes one feel alive ...but THIS is just insanity!!! Although I do think what a way to go ... doing something thats totaly hair raising ... they may .. whether or not they lived to tell its sure going to make every sense you have come to life.
Keep smiling Jim
hey Tatersmama...
i have to agree with you 100% on that!
They can certainly have my share of their adventure, that's for sure!
I appreciate the visit today, my friend!
Hey Missi...
I can imagine that the adrenaline would be pumping pretty good once I got to the bottom! I do know that I would have to change my pants when I got least, I'm pretty sure that I would!
It's really good to see you again, dear lady! Thanks for coming by from down under to visit!
Well, Uncle, I must admit I like the parachute idea. Go somewhere, get me an expendable (cheap)bicycle, strap on the 'chute...
B.A.S.E., anyone???
But then, I'm an adrenaline junkie, so...
Beautiful shots, Mr. Hermit!!!
Hey Cyg...
Better you than me! Send me a postcard from the bottom!
Thanks for coming by!
Oh my! I am afraid of heights and just looking at the pictures made my heart skip beats and my chest get tight!! That is just so crazy!
Think I might need strong coffee to ofset those photos! Thanks for giving me a work out!! Let's just relax for a bit, o.k.?
Blessings! CottonLady
The view is beautiful but near the edge? never. On a bike? no way. Lets not even talk about taking the kids. Question? where was the photographer standing to get those pictures?
Hey Cotton Lady...
Being that high up makes me a little nervous as well!
Might have to put a little bracer in that coffee, ya think?
I appreciate you coming by today!
Hey Stephanie...
I'm thinking that having the kids to watch out for in this location would truly be a nightmare!
The guy taking the pictures...? If he isn't in a helicopter, then he's nuts as well!
Not for me, thanks! Hey, I do appreciate you dropping by today!
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