I wanted to do something a bit different today!
I wanted to introduce my family to you. I figure that you might like to have a face to put with the names when I post something about different family members.
Sort of nice to be able to place who folks are, don't you think? Besides, with the holidays coming up, this might be considered sort of an early greeting card!
So on with the introductions! From left to right...the guy with the hat on is me! That one is easy since I'm the only guy in the bunch! Then next to me is Mom! Never noticed that she is the smallest of the group before! Standing next to Mom is Baby Sis! She is the one that lives here in Houston, but across town. Seems like she's in another town when you drive to her place! Last, but certainly not least, is Big Sis!
Big Sis (sometimes known as Aunt B) lives in North Carolina. That really is in another town! Heck, I forget what part of Texas North Carolina is in! We still claim her even though she moved to another state!
One of the reasons I wanted to introduce them to you here, is the fact that we don't get all together that often anymore! When we are all in the same place at the same time, it's kinda a special thing, ya know?
The photo is taken at Mom's house, right in front of the fireplace. Guess the mantle was a dead give away on that one, huh?
So just in case I don't have a chance to send you all a card before then, this is to wish each and every one of my friends and their families out there a very safe and pleasant holiday season!
Now, my friends, let's get some coffee and sit in the kitchen! Or would you prefer some hot chocolate?
Great looking bunch, HJ! And you're right, it is nice to put faces with some of those names. I would recognize you from our meeting in Gonzales in 2009. But it's nice to have faces to put with the rest of the clan too.
People who have never been to Houston have no idea how big it is. When it takes you an hour or more to get from one end to the other, it's hard to believe it's all one county! I grew up in Clear Lake City and well remember when Houston annexed us in the late 70's and we were miles from Houston. Now according to my mailing address, I live in a little town of only 5,000 people ...and I'm 10 miles outside the city limits. Guess you could say I have hermit tendencies. LOL
HJ, special it is! Kinda hard these days to get everybody together.Happy Holidays to you Buddy!
Hermit- that is a nice looking family. Thanks for share with us a part of the people that make your life complete. Merry Christmas to you as well.
Bubba -
Yeah, we live in the big city, at least you do. I'm really in Humble, a suburb which you can't tell as the traffic and town just blend right into each other. I drive 25 miles one-way to work, and it takes me an hour at 6:00 am! But, I'm glad to be close enough to you and Mom to come over on a semi-regular basis, and be able to "taxi" you around when needed.
And speaking of big, let's not do anymore profile pics, ok? Remind me of that next time we're together, won't you?
Big hugs -
Pleased to meet ch'all, fine looking family HermitJim. Count your blessings that you all get along. Hope the upcoming holidays go without a hitch.
I wish you and yours a most pleasant holiday Mr. Hermit Sir. Aw heck. I don't like being PC so MERRY CHRISTMAS!!
Hot chocolate would be greatly appreciated.
Good Morning My Special One,
What a great picture and yes it is nice to see everyone to know who they are. Baby Sis you look fine no problem. I wish you and yours a wonderful and blessed Holiday.
Hot chocolate sounds great for something different.
Merry Christmas to your great family there Jim! Hope ya'll have a chance to be all together again real soon.
Thank you for the introduction, it's always nice to put a face with a name. :o) You are lucky to have family so close. Of course my folks have their home on our property but Mike's family is spread far and wide( ND, AK, CA and AZ) I only have one sibling and he lives in MT too!
Your are a good lookin' family and Hermit, now don't you be to hard on Big Sis, she can't be as perfect as you Texans*wink*, LOL!!!!
Blessings and Hugs for your day,
Great post Jim. Makes a grand Christmas Card. You do have a lovely family. If you ever get out of the BIG city, come on up this way and say "Howdy".
You have a great looking family, and it is wonderful you are able to be together. Family is right up there near the top of the list or should be. May you all and each of us enjoy the blessings of Christmas this year. Would love to share a cup with you sometime.
Hey WWRWH...
You know, it's a shame that we don't get together more like we did in Gongales!
Maybe we should have an old fashioned rendezvous like the trappers used to do!
At least a regional meeting and get-together!
Thanks so much for coming by today!
Hey China...
Folks get scattered and I can understand that. Still, it's hard not to see family but once a year or so!
Some day we'll wish we could have spent mote time together!
You have a great day, buddy, and thanks for coming by today!
Hey Rook...
A real pleasure to hear from you this morning!
Yeah, family is very important and we even claim the crazy ones (like me).
Thanks for the wonderful holiday wishes, and for dropping by today!
Hey Sis...
You don't look as bad in profile as I do! But, if you want, I'll remind you next time just the same!
Looking forward to us getting together again on the 18th! Time is slipping away!
Man, where the heck as this year got to?
Thanks, sis, for coming by today!
Hey Anon 78:09...
Hopefully we can all keep from arguing and continue to get along...at least through the holidays!
I sure do appreciate you coming by today!
Hey Momlady...
I do appreciate the good wishes, my friend! It means a lot, believe me!
Would be nice if you could come for a visit, but I know you have your hands full right now!
I'm gonna have to come up that way one of these days!
Thanks for coming by this morning!
Hey JoJo...
Lots of folks are opting for the hot chocolate this morning! Just that kind of weather!
Both the girls are good looking as far as I'm concerned...but don't tell them I said so!
I really appreciate the visit from you this morning, sweetie!
Hey Annie...
Thanks for the kind words, my friend! I do enjoy getting with my family when I can, and realize that someday we will not be able to do so!
Guess life finally catches up to us all, sooner or later!
Your visit is greatly appreciated this morning!
Hey Kelle...
We still let her come over, even though she ran to another state! Have to admit, North Carolina is sure a pretty state!
Thank you for the great holiday wishes and for the visit today!
Hey Dizzy...
It's a shame that as close as we live, we don't get together!
Heck, you and the Mrs. are just down the road a piece!
Thanks so much for coming by today!
Hey Wayne...
Right you are about family and how important they really are!
Gone way too soon in many cases!
I'd be honored to share a cup with you anytime, my friend!
Thanks for coming by today!
Good looking bunch. You need to have a day where everyone sends in pictures of their family and one for their pets, the real bosses. Thanks for the great pictures.
What a great looking family. Thanks for sharing them with us. :)
I wish you and yours a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year as well.
I'm thinking I'd like 1/2 coffee and 1/2 Hot Chocolate that way I'd be having me a mocha. :D
Happy Holidays, Uncle Hermit
Hey Mechanic...
That would be a hoot, wouldn't it? I'll have to come up with something like that!
Right you are about the pets running everything! It's just a matter of getting us trained properly!
Thanks so much for coming by today!
Hey Felinae...
One home made mocha coming up! Does sound pretty good, doesn't it?
Hope you and the family have a happy season, my friend!
Thanks for coming by today!
Ain't you the handsome devil!
I am surprised you don't have some wimmens crawling all over ya, not just because you are so good looking, because you are such a nice guy. I mean that.
You are a nice guy.
Say Hi to the family, scratch the cats behind the ears and a Merry Christmas to you all.. BTW, you don't mind if I like a little Irish in my coffee do ya?
Hey Busted...
Always a pleasure to see you, my friend!
I sure appreciate all the kind words and the holiday wishes! I hope that everything stays good in your neck of the woods as well!
I really do thank you for taking the time to drop by today! Means a lot, my friend!
Such a wonderful photo. You have a lovely family.
I studied my dang atlas for hours trying to figure out where North Carolina was in Texas, and had to conclude that the Carolinians lost out when they didn't sign up with Texas.
Nice family. But I was able to pick you right out in the crowd!
Hey Rae...
Thanks for the nice comments, my friend! I do appreciate it!
I'll pass this on to the family. Thank you for coming by today! I'm glad you are posting again!
Hey Marjie...
You know, all joking aside...at one time they were talking about splitting Texas up into 5 different states! As it was, I think they finally settled for only making 3 out of it!
I did a post about it before earlier in the year.
I guess I stand out a bit in the family pics...must be the beard!
I'm so glad you could come over today!
Nice to see ya again Jim! And howdy to the family.
Hey Mayberry...
Always good to see ya, buddy! I'll be sure to pass on to the family your "howdy"!
Hey, buddy, thanks for dropping by today!
Ah, my heart rate increased just looking at that picture, Hermit. You are still the most handsome, down to earth guy on the blogs. Course any guy with a beard appeals to me, but few match your kindness. Have a great Christmas. Look forward to reading your blog more in 2011. Love ya, Treesong
You are truly blessed as well they too are blessed to have you.
You have a beautiful family!
Just a quick note as I see you've gotten many.
Cute family there Jim.
And I can see you're proud of them all.
Take care now,
Hey Treesong...
You're going to give me a big head, for sure!
You are certainly always welcome at my place and I hope you'll continue to grace us all with your presents here!
Thanks for the visit today, dear!
Hey Diane-Sage...
I do feel as though I'm blessed as far as family goes! At least we're all still talking to one another, and in this day and time...that's something!
Thank you for your kind words and for coming by today!
Hey Blondie...
My dear friend! How good it is to see you! I don't get a chance to see you much any more!
I can't tell you how good it is to have you drop by today! Thank you!
Thanks for the introduction Jim. Wise looking bunch. Hope you all have a great Holiday Season.
seems like your blog was very well received!! It was nice of you to introduce us to your friends. Did I ever tell you you are my favorite son?? Love you much - Mom
Hey Hermit...
Hey, buddy, long time no see! Good of you to take the time to drop by today!
Hope you are getting a chance to continue to work on the cabin! Be nice to spend the holidays inside it, don't you think?
Thanks again, my friend, for coming by today!
Hey Mom...
Glad you had the chance to meet a few of my blogging friends!
Thanks for coming by today!
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