You know, I never named my cat !
I guess I really should
If just to show I do the things
That normal people would.
She really doesn't need a name
To make her life complete.
I never have to call for her
Especially to eat !
She gets no letters in the mail,
No pages to the phone.
She knows exactly where she lives!
If I'm there, then it's home!
Why do we always name our pets?
Is it for them or us?
If they don't really need a name
Why go through all the fuss?
She's really not a pet, you know.
She could never be!
I think my cat is more a friend.
At least, she is to me!
No, I'll never name my cat
If all the same to you.
Not even if it seems the thing
That normal people do!
Jim King
Nice! I always name mine, but then call them "kitty" usually. My present cat, "Lightning" was named by Rod, my husband, but to me he is just "kitty" or "Kitty-boy". The cat, that is - not Rod.But, no matter what I call him, he's when he hears me come home, and helps me to bed each night. Good friend!
Hey, Sis...thanks for dropping by, and for the comment. I think that there is a silent communication that goes on between ourselves and our animal friends. They seem to know what we are thinking sometimes and know just when to come to us and furnish a little closeness and comfort. BTW, thanks for the cake...it was really good!
So Jim, you wrote that in 1995? Nice :))
And isn't your cat named "Amy" (if I recall?)
My cats actually do pay attention when I call them by name. They don't always come .. unless it's dinner time. haha
Nice post and poem.
Very touching and true.
Hey, Blondie...I wrote this about '95 or so but I've been writing forever! In fact, I was the senior class poet in '63. Amy's mother was the cat with no name...Amy is actually my Mom's cat who thinks I am HER pet! Mom came to visit when I lived in East Texas and took Amy back to Houston when she was just a kitten (Amy, not Mom). Thanks for dropping by and for the post! See ya later at TE...
That is a sweet poem about naming a cat. I and my cat share a place. We communicte very well. He is such good company. Neat and tidy. Keeps suspicious critters away. How about that !!
Hey, Myrna...thanks for dropping by and for the comment! Yeah, critters can be really good company and cats have perfect personalities for the Hermit lifestyle, ya know?
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