Friday, April 7, 2017

Zombie Spiders For Freaky Friday...!

As if we didn 't have enough bad stuff floating around, now we have zombie spiders!

Thanks to Mother Nature for her part in this particular little horror. I'm sure She has many more surprises just waiting for us to discover them. I'm the first to admit I'm in no hurry, know what I mean?

The Walking Dead

Photo credit: Answers In Genesis
Researchers recently uncovered a special aspect of the relationship between a parasitic variety of wasp and a certain species of spider. It’s long been known that the wasp uses spiders to build extra-strong nests for its cocoons, but it’s how the wasps are able to do this that is unusual—by turning the spiders into mind-controlled zombies.

Specifically, a female wasp lays an egg on the belly of a spider. Once hatched, the larva attaches itself to the spider’s nervous system, subsisting on its blood and releasing a chemical that causes the spider to become a mindless construction worker for an ultra-durable wasp nest.
The modified strands reflect ultraviolet light instead of absorbing it like regular webbing, negating its effectiveness at trapping prey. Once finished, the larva thanks its zombie slave by eating it and then happily builds its cocoon.

Talk about a horror show...this has to rank way up there with all the others. Not only does the spider get turned into a zombie, when it's work is completed, it becomes dinner!

Coffee out on the patio again One more gorgeous day.


Unknown said...

Thanks Bubba! It is 2:16 a.m. here and now I can think about this when I do go to bed. Love you anyway.

HermitJim said...

Hey Sis...
I can't believe you are up and reading my blog! What a surprise...
I didn't even know you were back on the web!
Thanks a bunch, sis!

Momlady said...

Freaky is right.

linda m said...

Oh boy, nightmares for me tonight. That is a great horror movie in the making.

Dizzy-Dick said...

Nature holds a lot of horror stories, for sure.

HermitJim said...

Hey Momlady...
Gives me the willies, ya know? I don't even like spiders, but zombie spiders...? Forget about it!
Thanks for coming by today!

Hey Linda...
I'll be feeling them in my bed all night.
Thanks for stopping by today!

Hey Dizzy...
She might have outdone herself with this one!
Thanks for the visit today!

JO said...

Good Grief! That is weird.

Coffee on the patio sounds great before I call a plumber to put all new fixings in my tank or maybe get word I need to install a new toilet because they don't make the parts for this one anymore.

HermitJim said...

Hey Jo...
Ah, the joys of home ownership! It's always something, ain't it? I'm going through a bit of that myself.
Thanks, sweetie, for dropping in today!