1. I probably have the only cat in the immediate area that likes Pace Picante Sauce!
Sitting at my desk the other day, I had some chips and a bowl of Pace Picante...perfect way to pass the time. The smaller of my two roomies, C.B. (short for cry baby) got up on the desk as usual to watch me eat, just in case I dropped anything he could get to.
I figured if I let him smell the sauce, he would go away. Wrong...! He actually licked his chops the way cats do when they are interested in some food. So I thought I would take a chance. I put a chip into the sauce, dipped out a fair amount, and offered it to the cat.
He not only licked it all off the chip, but looked at me like he wanted more. I repeated the process a couple more times and each time, he licked off all the sauce! Wouldn't eat the chip, but licked the sauce off every time! His brother, Smokey, wanted no part of it! Truly strange, truly strange!
2. Both my cats have learned if they walk on the printer, they can sometimes turn it on. They like to do that so they can search for the source of the noise it makes when coming on, and try and catch the paper as it comes out when I print something.
I really don't mind this, but the problem comes when they have been outside when the grass is wet! They walk on the paper in the tray, and the paper is all covered with cat paw prints when I try to print something. As long as they can watch the paper come out, they keep playing with the printer...gotta learn to stop doing that!
3. I always thought that cats were supposed to be afraid of getting wet! Both of the roomies like to lay outside on the patio. I guess the concrete feels cool to them. But if it starts to rain, they just continue to lay there. Soaking wet, rolling around, enjoying themselves...until it thunders real loud! Then it's time to run into the house, walk on the printer paper, climb up on Dad's chest with wet paws, and get a hug. If I'm lucky, I'm
NOT wearing a white t-shirt.
The good thing about this is that I at least get a hug from them. In fact, I get a hug every time they come in to eat! I think it's only because they have figured out I furnish the food, so they try and suck up at meal time
...con cats!Come to think about it, they are more like teen age kids than Siamese cats! I'm really too old to deal with teens again! Maybe I'm being punished for future sins...and if that's the case, then I must have a really good time ahead of me!
4) Smokey, the bigger of the two roomies, is a bully. He doesn't want to share anything that he deems is his...
anything! He shows this fact by spraying anything he wants to claim, which is natural I guess. However, the nephew and I were sitting and talking one day when Smokey came in, backed up to my leg, and sprayed the hell out of my pant leg. Good thing I was wearing jeans, because if I had been in shorts I would only have one cat now!
Smokey doesn't look as much like a Siamese as his brother C.B. He has more grey where his brother has black markings...on the ears, around the nose area, and around the tail. He is almost one and a half times bigger than his brother. Where C.B. chases squirrels and birds, Smokey chases dogs and female cats . Smokey's fur is long, where C.B.'s is shorter.
Another big difference is Smokey likes to do his business in the grass, not the dirt! C.B. likes to find some dirt, like the nephews garden or the flower beds. They both make an effort to bury the evidence, but Smokey hasn't learned that it's almost impossible to scratch grass over the mess. Still, he likes the grass!
Neither seem to like the litter box or the litter, because they will get inside the box only if they can't get outside. That's not a bad thing, but they would rather throw the litter out of the box and onto the floor, than keep it in the box. Why...I do not know!
5. Neither of the roomies are particularly fond of the camper as of yet! They won't go inside and look around, even if I'm in there. Guess after I get more of my scent inside, they will be more open to going in and looking around.
I guess that's enough of this prattle for today. Sorry for the disjointed manner of this post, but I am a bit under the weather, and my mind is wandering a lot as of late. In fact, ever since I brought the camper home, I have almost nothing but going camping on my mind! Wonder why that is...?
Now, my friend, let's get a fresh cup, sit on the patio, and maybe plan a little camping and fishing trip...OK?