If you're going fishing, and if you are taking someone with you...it might be a good idea to NOT let them have anything to do with the launching of the boat!
Boating is a highly enjoyable sport, without a doubt. Even though it's fun and a great way to spend the day...a good helping of common sense is helpful in the process of the launching and the loading of the boat.
One thing is of paramount importance here! Make sure you have all the safety equipment you are supposed to have. Life jackets, tow lines, bottled water, first aid kits, distress flags, all of the things you might need to make your trip on the water more pleasant and safe.
Just remember one thing...alcohol and boating is NOT a good idea! You can be ticketed for the use of alcohol aboard a boat, just as you can in a car! That is, if you even get the boat into the water!
Some folks just don't get it, though! They insist on having the cold ones BEFORE they get to the water, and as this picture shows, that is a bad idea!

Not only is boating a good way to get to the good fishing spots, but in places where they are not blessed with the warm weather that we have here in the south ice fishing is another way to catch a few fish.
Now, this sport comes with it's own unique set of dangers and common sense rules. I have never been ice fishing, but from watching this short video, I'm sure of just one thing...I don't want to go!
I figure that just maybe this guy might have been using the wrong bait, might have been singing off key, and might have just done something to really piss off the critters under the ice!
Whatever he did, I think we can change his name to Jonah! Moral to this story...? If you are going ice fishing, you might want to give the folks fishing with you plenty of room and don't, I repeat...DON'T bunch up!
Now I've done my good deed for the day and passed on some safe ways of enjoying the sport of fishing! Like I've said before, a healthy dose of common sense is always a very important tool to carry with you! Please use it...!
Now, let's get some coffee, my friends! We can sit outside and swap some fish stories! That's the best part of the fishing trips anyway...right?
Thank you once again Uncle Hermit, for bringing a smile to my face :D
Have a good day, my friend.
Hey Felinae...
If I have made you smile a bit this morning, then my task is complete!
My day is never complete until I help bring a smile to someone's face!
Thanks so much for coming by today, Felinae!
Very good advice; avoid drinking and boating. I think I will stay off of the ice also. I wouldn't want to hook into that big guy. That fish appears to be a little angry.
Hey Rae...
I believe that staying off the ice is a very good idea! As far as the truck in the water...what can you say? Hope everyone got out OK...but if alcohol was the cause, I guess maybe this will be a hard learned lesson.
I sure do thank you for coming by!
I used to fish alot when I was a kid.
Kinda miss the dynamite.
Hey Catman...
Guess you could say that fishing back then, fishing was a "blast"!
Thanks a lot for coming by. buddy!
Here fishy fishy, loved that one hook line and sinker.
LMAO One lost truck, one lost fisherman. More fish left for me.
You can't fix stupid.
Hey Off Grid...
Glad you could get a bit of enjoyment from it! Sometimes we need a small dose of silly to start the day...
Thanks so much for coming by, my friend!
Hey Tony...
Ain't that the truth? Like ya said..."Can't fix stupid!"
Hey, thanks for coming by, buddy!
lol! those were great! thanks for the link to my little blog Jim; my hits shot waaay up!
have a good day!
"Uh, Earl... When I said the pointy end goes forward, I meant AFTER the boat is launched...." Heh heh heh. The boat ramp in Port Aransas on a Saturday is a spectator sport all it's own. Just bring a lawn chair, a cooler full of beer, kick back and watch the show. It gets really good around 2 or 3 PM when all the knuckleheads are coming in for the day. A-yup, you definitely can't fix stupid!
You can keep that ice stuff, that's why I live down here!
Hey Edifice Rex...
More than happy to link to a blog by someone that is actually living the dream and doing something on their own! I like your whole set-up and your energy!
Glad you could come by for a cup today!
Hey Mayberry...
I'm with ya on the ice thing, brother!
Sometimes people watching can be a BIG source of enjoyment and is always good for a few laughs!
Hey, I sure appreciate the visit, buddy!
Funny, mister Hermit, sir...very funny!
Reminds me of when I lived in NH - we had a pond we'd skate on, come winter, and I'd break a hole in the ice...to go swimming! No kidding. Fresh water, though, no Orca for me.
Have a good one!
Shade and Sweetwater,
Hey K...
I can just see you out there on the ice...getting ready to go skinny dipping!
You don't even want to know what kind of images are running through my mind right now!
Hey, I am sure glad you came by today!
Oh, Mister Hermit sir...you're too much!
I wasn't skinny dipping - I wore a scarf.
Shade and Sweetwater,
...i don't know...ice fishing is underated...Tip-Up Town,Houghton Lake Mi...'nuff said...
...can't laff hard enuff about deep-sixin' the rig,my nephew tanked his truck,although it was the 'right way'...slippery launch,panicky driver...'backed in' all the way to the front axle...lol,no-shit...lol
Hey K...
Oh, well, as long as you wore a scarf then I guess you warm enough!
I'll modify the mental images accordingly!
Hey Ken...
At least the nephew had his boat facing the right way...some poor souls don't even get that right!
Hey, thanks for coming by today, Ken!
...we got pics somewhere...lol,he'll never stop hearin' about it either...he blamed the suds too btw...lol
...been kinda 'absent' last few days,gonna be playin catch-up...see ya around the blogs'
LOL...when I was living on boathouse I saw soooo many dry landers get into some really good messes. I loved living on a moorage. MMMM I think you gave me an idea for a post....thanks for the comment & yeppers I responded.
I also love your blog too!
Hey Diane...
Sometimes we have to take our fun where ever we can find it! You should have kept a camera handy...think of all the great shots you could have gotten!
I really appreciate you dropping by today!
lol. I have gone ice fishing, but I'm not so sure that it is such a good idea anymore.
Hey FCHermit...
I think you're right! I believe I'll stay off the ice as well.
Good to see you and I thank you for coming by!
I was just sure one of these comments would be for "the ted kennedy school of fishing".
Good One!! Laughed my ass off.
Hey Shiner...
Good to see you, my man! I knew you would get a kick out of this one! You, like me, have probably seen this or something like it many times at the lake!
Hey, I sure do appreciate the visit, buddy!
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