Sunday, March 24, 2013

Ready For Some 'Toons...?

Well, once again it's Sunday and that means cartoons, right?

I don't know if we ever really outgrow cartoons, but I seriously hope not! I have way too much fun playing these old guys to quit just because of my age, ya know?

See? I told ya this was fun! How about some more?

Sometimes the older ones are the best, don't you think? I wonder why that is?

Well, that's enough fun for now. Let's retire to the patio.

Coffee outside this morning, as it looks like the rain has moved on! Cream cheese coffee cake anyone?


Phyllis (N/W Jersey) said...

Never too old to watch and enjoy cartoons, Mr. Hermit!
Cream cheese coffeecake? I want two slices!

baju muslim murah said...

This is a great posting I have read it is very interesting to read thank you

JO said...

Sundays are always fun here. And now for coffee and cake yes and thank you.

HermitJim said...

Hey Phyllis...
I'm glad to know that I'm not too old! I probably would keep watching anyway, but now I won't feel guilty!

Of course, this cake is "non fattening"...At least that's what I keep telling myself!

Thanks for coming over this morning!

Hey Baju...
Glad you liked it and glad you could visit today!

Hey Jo...
I'm sure happy that you have a good time here!

Cake and coffee just seem to go together, don't they?

Thanks, sweetie. for coming over today!