All through the ages there have been strange and mysterious books, sometimes even the author wasn't known. This one, I believe, was the strangest of them all!
The Rohonc Codex
One of the most mysterious books in existence today is a work known as the Rohonczi Codex, commonly spelled Rohonc Codex. Not only do we not know what it says, we also have no idea where it comes from. In the early 19th century, the manuscript was donated to the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in the city of Rohonc, but that’s where the trail tapers off.
One of the reasons the Rohonc Codex has remained undecyphered for so long is its apparent alphabet. Most alphabets have somewhere between 20 and 40 characters, making it relatively easy to start replacing coded symbols with letters. The Rohonc Codex has nearly 200 separate symbols in its 448 pages, and no matter how many scholars take a crack at it, nobody can agree on a translation, let alone a general geographic area where it might have been written. Guesses range from Hungary to Romania to India.
It’s such an impressive code that scholars in the 19th century concluded that it had to be a hoax, although these days it’s believed to be genuine. If you want to take a crack at it, you can access all the pages online.
You have to wonder why someone would spend so much time and energy writing a book such as this if they didn't want to have it read. At least, it makes me wonder! Part of the whole mystery to me is the fact that no one can even tell where the darn thing came from. How bizarre is that?
Coffee outside again this morning! I'll share our sunshine!