Thursday, May 16, 2019

Want Some Bug Bread...?

I like bread...probably too much. My favorite is wheat, but freshly baked white bread is great as well. I don't think I want to try this crazy bread I found over on Listverse, no matter how much I want a sandwich.

Bug Bread

Photo credit: Live Science

Certain bugs are very nutritious but a bit outdated for the modern menu. However, as the global population grows and farming land becomes an issue, the answer could be insect farms that require less space. The problem is selling the idea of eating insects to people who have no desire to buy grasshopper pie.

In 2018, Italian scientists came up with a solution—hide the insects so well that the food appears “normal.” Thus, they baked bread with powdered crickets. While it left no obvious trace of the goobers, there were some drawbacks.

Although highly nutritious, the taste was described as “cat food.” Apart from the flavor fail, the more cricket powder it contained, the less the bread rose. It also lost its chewiness.

The worst danger was bacterial spores. Scientists are working on eliminating spores that might piggyback on insect powders, like sterilizing them with gamma irradiation. But it might be a tougher challenge to make the bug bread taste or even look appetizing enough for shoppers to be fine with sending their kids to school with insect sandwiches.

First they want to use cricket powder in the bread and then they want to shoot it with gamma rays? Sounds like a bad horror film to me! Think I'll pass!

Coffee out on the patio today. No bug bread, I promise!


Mamahen said...

I too am a bread lover. This however sounds like something I would not eat knowingly. The patio sounds good. I will bring some blueberry muffins to share. No bugs as far as I know anyway:))

bigfoot said...

Coming to a Subway Sandwich Shop near you.!!

Momlady said...

No thank you. Although I've eaten fried grasshoppers, chocolate ants, and bees. But that was a looooong time ago.

linda m said...

This bread sounds like something from science fiction. I grew up on homemade white bread. today I prefer a multi-grain bread but will chow done on fresh homemade white bread any day.

Sixbears said...

We eat bugs all the time -we just don't want to think about it. :)

Rob said...

I'm a fan of good sourdough bread, is cricket bread really bread? Or is something else made up to look like bread...

History has shown us what people will do when they get hungry, really hungry and science fiction has stepped in there too.
What do you want today, cricket bread or Soylent Green?

HermitJim said...

Hey Mamahen...
I think the key word here is knowingly. I'd love a muffin, thanks.
Thanks for stopping by today!

Hey Bigfoot...
I wouldn't be at all surprised.
Thanks for coming by today!

Hey Momlady...
I think a lot of our hesitation is purely a mind thing. I know mine is.
Thanks for the visit today!

Hey Linda...
I do love the smell and taste of fresh homemade bread. Especially with honey!
Thanks for stopping by this morning!

Hey Sixbears...
I try and keep it out of my head.
Many thanks for coming over today!

Hey Rob...
Neither of those choices are appetizing, I'm afraid.
Thanks for the visit today!

JO said...

Seems I am with the majority here about loving bread. But no thanks on the bugs.

Patio sounds good the weather is really nice for it.

Dizzy-Dick said...

I just lost my appetite, yuk... Although we probably eat lots of bugs. They say over the years that a person swallows lots of spiders as they sleep at night.

Hermit's Baby Sis said...

Give me one of Mama's homemade cinnamon rolls, or some of your freshly baked white bread over the bugs anyday! Do love me some shrimp, though - are they sea bugs?

Big hugs ~

HermitJim said...

Hey Jo...
The love of fresh bread is pretty universal, I reckon.
Thanks, dear, for dropping by today!

Hey Dizzy...
I think the loss of appetite can be expected when talk of eating bugs is mentioned.
Thanks for stopping by today!

Hey Sis...
Those homemade cinnamon rolls sure sound good right about now.
Many thanks for coming over today!