It's really way too hot to do anything too serious.
I know, I know...everyone is talking about the weather and the lack of rain or the over-abundance of rain, so I am going to start taking my cues from the animal kingdom! Here is a good example of just what I mean!

Why don't I just take off for the day, and I'll get back with you all tomorrow! In the mean time, just help yourself to the coffee and cookies, OK? OK!
Maybe the heat is getting to me but that looks like a wonderful idea!
Is the coffee Iced coffee? With a fudge brownie maybe? :-) Be right there!!!
We are finally getting some sun and warmth over here again so I do hope You´ll get some rain and cool weather now!
I´m out of coffee at the moment so maybe I´ll pop over for a cup :-)
Have a great day!
54 degrees in northern NH this morning. Rained all last night. Supposed to get to 74 later today. What is this heat wave of which you speak?
It's a nice cool morning for a hot cup of organic home roasted Peruvian coffee.
Wish I could send you guys some of my rain. You need it more than I do.
Just love the pic!! that breed is one of my favorites! they are so smart! :)
Enjoy the day off but please don't lay in the road on a ice pile you can get hurt that way. :) I won't tell you how nice it is up here.
Cookies? I need cookies! My Mom and my nephew are arriving tomorrow for a visit and I sure hope Mom brings some of her wonderful cookies! I don't make them much because we eat them so quickly...
Ice cream sounds better than cookies!
It was a tad warm today. Heat index 109, I think? But I was on the boat at work today, so I didn't really notice : )
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